I believe in you!

Friedrich Woltran
2 min readSep 19, 2016


Chances are that we haven’t met personally or even virtually and yet we are connected. We are connected through the fact that we are both on this planet. We breathe the same air we watch the same sun rise and set and we share the same planetary history. There is much more that we share and I could keep going for much longer but what is important here to remember is that we are connected. What is even more important than to know that you are connected to every other human being is that

You are important!

Very important! Your story is important! Your life is important! No matter who you are, where you are, what you do or what you have done — you are important! If not to anyone else in the world — you are important to me — right now, as you are reading this. Why? You might ask. Why do I believe in you? A guy you’ve most likely never met in person — whom you’ve never even spoken to — who doesn’t know you from a bar of soap. I do because believing in you might help you to believe in yourself and if you already believe in yourself — well — there’s no harm in one more person believing in you. I believe in you because believing in one another as human beings helps all of us. It helps us to grow, begin new things just as much as to end things that don’t work for us any longer. It helps us to overcome our perceived differences, celebrate our uniqueness as well as our oneness as a race.

That’s why I believe in you!


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About the Author:

Friedrich is a mentor and coach. He works with individuals and groups as well as companies looking to start new things, grow existing ventures or transition from one focus area to another. His principles are summarized in the StartGrowShift approach. Key to his clients’ success is to learn that integrity is paramount in any undertaking, inner success is always preceding outer success and that real success reaches far beyond the material.

Follow Friedrich on twitter @StartGrowShift or find him on facebook @StartGrowShift

