A Few Tips For New Developers

Published in
2 min readMar 23, 2020


At age 14 I found interest in game development interacting with a game engine called Game Salad. I choose the “dive-in head first” approach and explored a little bit of everything. Personally I believe a bit more planned approach would've been extremely beneficial for the developer I would become in the future.

Try And Find A Niche

Instead of putting a blanket around a bunch of development topics and trying to pull them towards you all at the same time try and find your niche! Picking a single topic and getting some sort of “baseline” knowledge down is extremely important. Consider this your foundation... It needs to be strong and ready to support other things, in this case, it would be (frameworks & languages).

Connect With People

Once you have explored your niche quite a bit start reaching out to people around you! The developer community provides strong support when you need it, you just need to find the right people. We want to credit the BuildUpDevs Community for being an example of a strong network.


A Mentor can help you navigate some tough times in your early career that you would struggle with otherwise. Find someone who can be there to assist, while you get your feet on the ground as a developer. Mentors can be found on advisory boards to companies you interact with, or even people that come into your life at an early age and end up becoming your boss…


As a software developer, you have the ability to create anything you want with the tip of you fingers and a keyboard... If you come across this article please remember no matter what you think, the work you are doing is beneficial. Continue on! If this article provided some insight please leave a clap!


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“When you don’t create things, you become defined by your tastes rather than ability. So create.” 👨‍💻 Founder | therisecollection