Dividend Chaser: App Review

Published in
2 min readMar 2, 2020

Here is a quick look into an app that removes a friction point for users hunting for dividend data on their mobile devices… MazzoMedia created an application that organizes dividend data into different time-focused categories.

Explore categories like This Months List

Tomorrows List:

About Dividend Chaser:

Dividend Chaser contains NO advertisements! It provides a daily list of companies on the S&P500 that have formally announced an upcoming dividend, and it presents the data in a simple easy to follow format that includes a “Purchase By” date, as well as the companies ticker symbol, the quarterly dividend amount, and the annual yield. It is a tool that can be used to assist investors with decisions involving dividend-paying stocks on the S&P500 exchange. It does not make investment recommendations, nor does it provide the ability to actually make purchases or sales. It is purely a research tool, and it is intended to expedite dividend chasing research time by eliminating hundreds of Internet searches and hours of analysis by utilizing our unique in-house created data-feed of only the pertinent information.

Dividend Chaser is available on the Android and Amazon platforms at this time, we are happy to announce we will be responsible for bringing it into the Apple ecosystem! Show this application some support if you are an investor.




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