The Software Development Branch

Published in
2 min readMay 18, 2020

Hello everyone! It's always a great idea to start the article with background information about the characters involved, why we did “it” and how we are carrying on the dream to this day. My name is Joshua Paulsen, the Founder of THE RISE COLLECTION and I will be the first to say it's important to have a team with good spirits behind you when bootstrapping a startup. I am still knee-deep in the process of business building and I am excited to see what the future has to offer…

Introducing Rise Studios a Software Development company with a focus on Mobile Applications. We currently have portfolios on two platforms, Apple and Google Play. The apps we offer have an “arcade-style” feel to them that provide easy entertainment on-the-go!

This branch has been focused on Mobile Game Development for years: First published in 2015 to be exact. These next few years will be “breakout” years! We plan to publish a title to the Steam, Xbox, and Playstation platforms... There is still a lot to learn and we are prepared to tackle the mountain of information ahead of us! We have a few projects planned that will need to be a collaborative effort between development studios if that interests you contact us at

If you are a software developer reading this, leave a comment with some work experience or a story!

Thanks for reading this quick article introducing Rise Studios, we look forward to your feedback!




“When you don’t create things, you become defined by your tastes rather than ability. So create.” 👨‍💻 Founder | therisecollection