Stop Giving Your Child Your Phone Immediately!

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3 min readDec 1, 2017*mBQzjOl7vpKYTJ6J1LOqGw.jpeg

We know, taking care of a developing child can be a pain in the back sometimes. Giving your cutie pie your phone and giving a break while he or she is trying to understand the functions of it seems like a good idea. However, scientists believe you should not let a developing child get affected by technology and here is why:

1. Screen Time Can Lead Kids into Obesity*MJW9ypkRDvOhGb4uLDXwDA.jpeg

According to, children who spend more time watching television, playing video games, using computers often spend less time exercising and such children tend to eat a lot snacks which deposit fat in their bodies. Screens are highly addictive, and children (they tend to get addicted easier) get addicted to TVs, computers, tablets, etc. They spend their time on the screen time while they shoul have been playing in outside with their friends. Less activity leads on health-effecting problems like obesity, even diabetes which can be fatal.

Do not worry! It is not too late to recover your children from less activity caused by technology.

First of all, do not forget that you still have authorities on your child. Sometimes parents have to be a little strict for the sake of their children. You can set schedules to prevent your child spend their whole day on TV. Although we want to limit our children from getting effected by technology, you should not ban them from using technology. Because if you do this, the child will probably will get mad eventually and won’t listen to you ever again. Also technology is helpful when used for good reasons.

2. Weakens the Relationship Between Kids and Their Parents


In the modern World, generally, parents do not have enough time to spend with their children. Since they do not spend time with their parents, children replace them with technology. The child can read or see something on the internet which can cause harm on his/her psychology since he or she does not know the internet’s harmful sides.

Do not worry! You can solve this, but how?

By giving more of your free time to your child. You can do something not involving technology with your children like going on a picnic, playing games, anything which will improve your bond with your child.

3. Poor Social Skills*dF6kiF_-6dlomNLtfpS3ZA.gif

Children, nowadays, spend most of their time on technology. How do they spand their time on technology? Alone. Since they spend less of their time socializing, their social skills decrease. This can be very harmful in the future when the child has to deal with people like we, adults, do.

How to prevent this to happen:

According to, parents should take their kids to play with others at least one — twice a week, encourage your kids to make friends while at school and tell them to invite their friends home so that you can know who they spend their time with.

