About Theropod

Frank J. De Gilio
Published in
2 min readFeb 15, 2021


Tips and tricks for maximizing your IBM Z experience.

Today’s IT is complex. Applications today need to take advantage of a full array of server’s setup for specific activities and replicated ad infinitum to support the entirety of the user community. Interested in an environment that greatly simplifies that complex mess? How about using a system that scales up as well as out with a few instances rather than hundreds? Wouldn’t that be cool? This is exactly what IBM Z does. The problem is that people see that environment as complex and arcane.

Theropod is focused on helping people take advantage of IBM Z by describing tools, utilizing the latest technologies and tricks to maximize the value of the platform.

Theropod will comprise articles of different levels of technical depth. To identify the level of technical depth, follow this simple guide:

🖥 — Articles with a single monitor have the least amount of technical content. This would be good for understanding how z fits into your business.

🖥 🖥 — Articles with two monitors provide some technical depth. This would be good for people who are new to the platform and want to understand more.

🖥 🖥 🖥 — Articles with three monitors have a fair amount of technical depth. These would be helpful to people who understand the system well and are interested in something deep within a selected area.

🖥 🖥 🖥 🖥 — Deep technical articles. This would be valuable to people who have decades of experience with the platform and want to understand how to manipulate the system at a very technical level.



Frank J. De Gilio

Seasoned mainframer guy with delusions of grandeur