Flight Force 4 Breakdown: Playable Demo, Game Overview, Event Horizon

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6 min readFeb 13, 2024


“Flight Force 4” (FF4) by Game Studio T3 PLAY emerges as a first-person shooter, setting its high-octane battles in the year 2087 across five extraterrestrial planets. This conflict-driven narrative pits the human Defenders against the alien X-ions in an all out war for planetary resources and Xanite, a vital power source. Though still in the production phase, FF4 has unveiled a well cased single-player demo last summer, hinting at its multiplayer potential, and a game studio integrating web3 tech to reward their early supporters.

Storyline and Factions

Set against a backdrop of interplanetary conflict, FF4’s narrative revolves around the Defenders (humans) and X-ions (aliens). The story is driven by the struggle for control over the new galaxy and the fight for survival against the alien threat.

Game Status and Availability

The full FF4 experience is still being developed, with a basic single-player demo available now. This demo, showcasing a single map and two weapons, gives players a taste of the action with various targets and NPCs to engage with. The next game update will feature their multiplayer patch.

Unique Features and Web3 Integration

FF4 stands out with its integration of Web3 technologies. Owning an FF4 character opens doors to renting items, accessing high-stakes modes, and enjoying benefits like token claims and in-game item airdrops. Players can also earn XP to purchase in-game assets as NFTs, which can be traded or rented in the marketplace. Character NFTs will enable holders to swap XP for $T3P, their on-chain game token. Character NFT owners can create strategic loadouts utilizing items like the FF4 Armoury Vault Key for specific maps/modes or rent out full loadout slots.

Game Modes and Match Types

FREE TO PLAY: Players vs each other to earn XP to purchase in-game items, map passes and upgrades, and Xanite which can be used to power up all their assets.

HIGH STAKES: Users risk their own $T3P tokens and Xanite against each other. Access is for FF4 character holders only. Lock (stake) $T3P tokens to unlock higher tiers.

Extract or Destroy (EOD): A strategic match type set on large maps requiring teamwork to complete specific tasks. Available in 2v2 and 4v4 formats.

DOMINATION: A fast-paced deathmatch in smaller maps, with a tournament system offering weekly and monthly prizes. Initially supporting up to 10v10 player matchups.

Player Types and Progression

FF4 accommodates two main player types: Gamers, who start with no assets and earn their way up; and Asset Owners, who begin with valuable game assets. Each follows a unique progression loop, from free to play to high-stakes gameplay.

“Gamers” that start with no assets can advance by playing the Free to Play game mode to earn experience (XP), which allows them to acquire in-game items, upgrades, and eventually high-value assets and character NFTs. Their progression leads from free to play to a high stakes game mode.

On the other hand, “Asset Owners” already hold character NFTs and tokens at the outset. They leverage the free to play game mode to also accumulate XP and Xanite in order to trade and expand their assets. Asset Owners spend more time risking their items in high stakes modes seeking bigger payouts from other players. Their primary goal is maintaining and growing their asset portfolio rather than starting from the ground up.

In-Game Economy and NFT Assets

The game boasts a vast array of NFT assets, including characters, weapons, and vehicles, each with unique utilities. These assets can be traded or rented in the marketplace, with rare items accruing higher value due to its exclusivity.

Economy Model

FF4 features a dual token economy: XP and $T3P tokens. XP is earned through free to play game mode and can be used for upgrades, while $T3P tokens allow for asset ownership and access to high-stakes modes.

There is a third vital asset necessary for gameplay — Xanite is an abundant natural energy source found on the free to play game mode that both fuels gameplay through powering weapons, vehicles and health regeneration, as well as drives strategic choices and dynamic battles as players compete to extract or earn Xanite to activate items, perks and technologies to triumph over other players for High Stakes.

The Free to Play Game Mode generates XP and Xanite. Players utilize XP for upgrades like character skins and map passes. The addition of High Stakes Game Mode forces token swaps from XP to $T3P for players holding a character NFT. $T3P and Xanite unlocks the High Stakes Game Mode. This player progression feature ties in the dual token economy.

XP provides predictable rewards for player engagement that is protected from crypto volatility. $T3P token enables asset ownership, players can choose to stake for rare items, access high risk & reward game mode or transfer across T3PLAY’s future gaming titles.

FF4’s dual token economy bridges XP and $T3P to align player incentives across game modes. Earning XP fuels progressions like gear upgrades that translate into combat advantage. Swapping XP to $T3P unlocks additional utilities around premium assets, staking rewards, and exchangeable crypto value.

This symbiotic flow motivates users to leverage XP toward their asset upgrades and customization while periodically converting to $T3P to access and compete for High Stakes. Structuring purposes for each token cultivates positive player behaviours including playing to incrementally improve, owning to signal commitment, and exchanging to realize value.

As users migrate across this loop seeking upgrades, assets, and token swaps, the model ascends player engagement and deepens their player activity for the ecosystem. This design pattern is extensible across T3PLAY’s game and community verticals.

T3PLAY and the Web3 Gaming Ecosystem

T3PLAY, the studio behind FF4, is developing an interconnected web3 gaming platform where users can play, socialize, earn, own, transfer, and transact across multiple games. This ecosystem includes other titles like Poly Gunnerz and Space Kartz, with a focus on fostering a comprehensive gaming community. By leading with games, then interconnecting incentives, T3 PLAY seeks to build network effects between players, token holders, and developers on a gaming platform.

T3PLAY is currently offering a Series A NFT that provides early supporters with a diverse set of benefits, including token allocation and revenue sharing. Notably, the upcoming FF4 Gen Zero X-ion mint will represent the first activation of revenue sharing — an aspect that has flown completely under the radar up to this point (not financial advice).


“Flight Force 4" presents a multi-faceted ecosystem where strategy, economy, and gameplay converge. As the game iterates towards its multiplayer demo and integrates further with web3 technology, players have a unique opportunity to become early supporters, positioning themselves ahead for the upcoming Gen Zero X-ion mint. FF4 is building an all out ecosystem that will extend beyond just their game. Stay tuned to T3PLAY’s journey — though still in the early stages of development, momentum is swiftly building.

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