The Origin and Evolution of The Round Table in Web3

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4 min readAug 14, 2023

“Nothing Personal. It’s just Business.” This is how it began with LaTravolaRotunda, better known as LaTR — a sub-dao from the web3 gaming project, MobLand. From its foundation, LaTR evolved from an enthusiastic gaming syndicate into a robust community-led venture now called, The Round Table (TRT).

A Look Back at LaTR’s Inception

Derived from the Italian phrase for “The Round Table”, LaTR began as a high-caliber talent recruitment agency in the early MobLand days. Its syndicate-like structure not only drew gaming enthusiasts but business-savvy minds as well. As LaTR flourished, so did its community, organically morphing into what’s now known as TRT.

Guided by the vision of their original nine founding chair members, LaTR experienced unprecedented growth. While the original leadership was essential in shaping its trajectory, it was the inherent potential for members to ascend the ranks that truly defined the community’s dynamism. Through collective decision-making and a democratic approach, this dynamic process led to the transition in leadership several times. Changes, although challenging, showcased the community’s maturity and foresight, always putting LaTR’s interests at the forefront. This evolution paved the way for LaTR’s evolution into The Round Table.

Navigating Through the Bear Market

The bear market, notorious for its operational strains, saw a decline in user motivation. Nevertheless, TRT’s unwavering belief in the potential of web3 led them to double down on gaming. Recognizing the constraints hindering web3 game development, TRT pivoted its focus from projects to user participation.

Their two-fold mission began with identifying web3 user motivations and subsequently educating and guiding them through their web3 journey. This shift in focus garnered widespread support, most notably from Andy Craven, who guided the community toward a brighter web3 future.

Web3 Enthusiasts: Builders, Gamers and Creators

Taking a closer look at the web3 landscape, a prominent trend emerges. New user growth is diminished and those actively contributing and engaged are predominantly builders and creators. Recognizing this, TRT has centered its attention on the web3 user motivations in gaming. Gamers, the creators of experiences and feedback, became the ideal cohort for their Beta Tester Program. This initiative offered gamers an early entry point to influence the development process, enhancing user experience.

Gamers' desires have evolved — craving more than just engaging titles; they want to shape the web3 gaming narrative. TRT’s Beta Tester Program taps into this shift, transforming gamers from players to explorers for in-game feedback, directly influencing the game’s user experience. The allure? A mix of thrill, dedication, and enticing in-game perks for the daring

Content creators in today's digital landscape have identified TRT as a valuable collaborator. Rather than simply documenting the developments of new gaming environments, they have the opportunity to be at the forefront. The Beta Tester Program offers this privilege by granting early access. This advantage allows creators to produce content and insights, effectively guiding their audience through the latest developments. However, it is imperative to note that while the program permits the sharing of many game details, certain proprietary information must remain confidential to maintain the integrity of the project.

For builders, TRT fosters a collaborative environment. By understanding individual aspirations, they take viable ideas from the community and create actionable plans. A testament to this is the inception of the Beta Tester Program.

In its essence, TRT’s mission has always been about collaboration and pioneering new paths. Whether you're an avid gamer with an appetite for influence, a creator on the cusp of the next big reveal, or a builder with high aspirations, there’s a place for everyone with The Round Table.

Join The Round Table

If you resonate with TRT’s vision and seek a community that values collaboration, innovation, and the immense potential of web3, The Round Table eagerly awaits you.

To the gamers and content creators out there, seize this opportunity to join our server and be an integral part of our Beta Tester Program. This is your chance to make a significant impact in the web3 space.

For builders eager to influence the web3 landscape: The Round Table doesn’t just offer a seat — it gives you a voice. If you are looking to align with driven individuals, join us and let’s collaboratively amplify our shared goals and passions

🚀 Apply to the Beta Tester Program
📃 Apply to join our Vanguard Team

About us

The Round Table is a community-led initiative, rooted in collaboration and innovation. With an ethos grounded by passion and dedication to web3, TRT emphasizes the importance of user feedback in gaming and nurturing builders’ ambitions. Here, participation creates the biggest opportunity that we all can be a part of.

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Building @TheRoundTableGG. Biz dev, growth models & strategic writer. Deriving use cases, enhancing product, and pre-market is where I reside.