Actually, “Whites” Hate “Whites” the Most

And that’s always been the case

The Sam And Me Show
5 min readAug 1, 2019


Trump needs the non-existent problems he creates. He recently tweeted that Al Sharpton “Hates Whites & Cops!” And his violent hit-and-run maneuver dodges the damning fact that — whites hate whites the most. All of history up to the present backs up that statement.

Whites have practiced their hate on each other and for each other in word and deed. Look at indentured servitude. Then look at how white elites invented and used whiteness. White elites made whiteness to protect their assets, to oppress Black people and people of color, and to thwart working-class solidarity across skin-color groups. That hateful whiteness is still working today.

This hatred of whites by whites has been at the highest levels. In the book The History of White People, the historian Nell Irvin Painter shows whites putting certain whites at the top of the racist hierarchy and claiming other whites were lower. Among several pieces of historical evidence, Painter quotes Theodore Roosevelt who — in his book The Winning of the Westwrote these words about white Southerners in the 1880s:

[P]eople drawn from the worst immigrants that perhaps ever were brought to America—the mass of convict servants, redemptioners, and the like, who formed such an excessively undesirable…

