The Protest “Narrative”

Every faction wants to pigeon hole the protest to fit their affiliation narrative without addressing the root cause of the problem.

Samé A
5 min readJun 1, 2020


It’s been three days since the nationwide protests sparked after the unjust death of George Floyd, and every single political faction is trying to define the narrative of what these protests are all about. Let me list these groups:

These protests have one single theme but other “parties” want to change the narrative.
  1. There are the folks, including Donald Trump, who see protesters rioting and looting stores and shops and have classified them as anarchists or ANTIFA infiltrating the movement.
  2. CNN’s lead anchor Wolf Blitzer and former National Security Advisor Susan Rice said yesterday that Russia is behind the protest to undermine the American system.
  3. Celebrities and media platforms that are trying to throw their support to the protests. But have profited off of racism and police brutality on TV shows and films but are asking for civility for these protests.
  4. The political class (Republicans and Democrats) have painted the protests as either hardcore MAGA folks doing the looting or unhinged leftists burning everything to the ground.

These groups are the reason why these protests have turned so violent. Because they never gave a crap about racism and police brutality. The ones who call for civility after what happened to George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery and Breonna Taylor don’t care about solving these issues because they are about maintaining the status quo.

Mainstream Media painting the two black historical leaders no different than Barack Obama.

They are the same people who have whitewashed Martin Luthor King and Malcolm X as Gandhi type of figures in their revised history books. They also believe that racism ended after the 1960s and was finally put to bed when Barack Obama was elected president of the United States in 2008.

Kamala Harris trying to understand the pain black folks feel dealing with the police while she was part of the problem as Attorney General in California.

Then you have political figures like Senator Kamala Harris joining the protest over the weekend like she sympathizes with the cause but yet was the same person as Attorney General in California was prosecuting innocent black folks on stupid drug charges and laughed about it. She’s more suited wearing a police uniform and badge then dressing in black while raising her fist in the sky. You revoked your black card a long time ago.

Susan Rice says Russia played a part in the protests of George Floyd’s death by the hands of a police officer.

The same goes for Susan Rice as well. Don’t you dare tell the American people, including the African American community, that the corrupt American system that demonizes and segregates people of colour and is trying to start a race war with white folks is absolved, but Russia is the perpetrator? Go hide in your gated community, you elitist donkey.

Brooklyn 99 glorifies NYPD as comedy clowns yet in reality, they have attacked protestors and media unjustly.

Any celebrity or media platform that profited from racism and whitewashing the police has no say in the protest. Shows like Brooklyn 99 and Bosch have made Amazon, Hulu and Netflix a lot of money by highlighting how the police are viewed to a global audience without reflecting in reality how police officers in America are truly shown with the everyday public, especially with black people. Disney wants to throw their two cents that “Black Lives Matter” but yet don’t produce any major black tv show or movie on their platform. Making three movies/shows with a black lead for Marvel isn’t going to cut it. Everyone knows your only tweeting it out to enhance your brand.

Bosch is a cop show that portrays police officers bending the rules to apprehend their suspects.

Hollywood has glorified law enforcement in a positive light and has demonized everyone else (black/Latino/Asian/European/Arab/etc.). That has changed the fabric of how the American mainstream has viewed everything. The American celebrity/media/political class has always cheerleaded protests around the world in Venezuela, Iran, Hong Kong and even the Arab Spring because they want to see democracy and freedom spread to those regions. And how were those protests seen on our TV screens?

Violent riots are encouraged by the American elite throughout the world except on their own soil.

There were riots, looting and violent clashes with the police and military. The same thing that was happening in America was happening over there, but it was cheered. Do you want to know why it was cheered? Because it was happening over there. So now these same people over the weekend want civility and calm because the riots and protests are happening in their city or gated neighbourhood? They were never about the cause; they are just rich spectators who don’t care about anyone but their brand.

Conservatives are all painting these protests as ANTIFA led riots and are happy to say that not one MAGA person is in these riots. Don’t bother engaging with these people because they are the same folks who say that Donald Trump had lowered the black unemployment rate to his historical levels or that black folks should be more concerned about black on black violence in Chicago. If you press them on the history of where black on black violence came from in regards to political and racial segregation of neighbourhoods by the political class, they will completely zone you out.

Brian Stelter spent years going after Russia and Trump but now wants recognition that he’s addressing racial and police brutality issues for the first time on his CNN show.

They don’t care about the root cause of the issues or finding ways to solve them. Nobody does. Not the celebrities who make money off of platforms that glorify law enforcement. Not the politicians who weaponize civil unrest to bash their political opponents for attention and power. Also, not the mainstream media who have whitewashed historical black leaders and is asking for civility. At a time where they NEVER ONCE USED THEIR PRECIOUS AIR TIME TO FULLY ADDRESS, IDENTIFY AND PRESSURE POLITICAL LEADERS FOR DAYS, MONTHS AND YEARS TO MAKE A MASSIVE OVERHAUL ON LAW ENFORCEMENT.

These Karen’s, Amy Cooper’s, white middle-class liberals of the world are worse than the white nationalists because they weaponize racial pain as a political tool.

The mainstream media spent three years going after Donald Trump for Russian interference. They can spend three years addressing the flaws of law enforcement and police brutality. Do you really want CIVILITY? Go do your job so black people can live in CIVILITY from the cops.

