The Rise of #BlueMAGA

Samé A
Published in
13 min readMay 5, 2020

Centrists and their power for Status-Quo

It’s been honestly refreshing to see how American politics has transformed for nearly the past 12 years since Barack Obama first got elected as President. The loathe hatred of George W Bush reared its ugly head back into the heart of Texas by the time Obama stepped into the White House. Dealing with two world-changing wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the aftermath of Katrina, sickening underground CIA torture programs, a world financial crisis that hasn’t been seen since the Great Depression and hatred for mainstream corporate media throughout the world for not keeping these governments feet to the fire for the past eight years.

Vladimir Putin and George W. Bush golfing

All this happened while Vladimir Putin had a bromance with George W Bush, and Donald Trump was still adored by the public while he was gearing up for The Apprentice on NBC. Also, can’t forget that Hillary Clinton ran the most racist and bigoted presidential campaign in American history against Barack Obama by insinuating his nationalism, and his standing as a Christian wasn’t authentic but yet Obama welcomed her with open arms as his Secretary of State.

So let’s make a quick rundown so far in 2009:

Donald Trump: Beloved celebrity in the mainstream

Vladimir Putin: George W Bush’s bestie

George W Bush: The most hated man in the world

Hillary Clinton: Ran a racist campaign but was forgiven because she works for Obama.

Barack Obama: The Great Hope of the Planet

Fast forward 10 years later in 2019…

Donald Trump: The most hated man in the mainstream

Vladimir Putin: Donald Trump’s handler

George W Bush: Mainstream media misses him after he left public life

Hillary Clinton: Ran a stupid campaign but convinced everyone Putin and Bernie screwed her.

Barack Obama: Maintained the Bush status quo (except Obamacare) with a smile on his face.

So in that time frame, we witnessed the rise of the Tea Party and their frustrations with establishment Republicans and Democrats in overspending and being pro-war. Also, can’t forget about Occupy Wall Street and how the financial bailouts were handed over to the same people who caused the financial crisis of 2008. Remember, we had Wikileaks and Edward Snowden show the world that the United States does a lot of illegal shit (killing innocent people via drones and spying as well). Remember that #BlackLivesMatter rose up because law enforcement throughout the country was systematically targeting black folks while they were being video-recorded. Let’s just say race relations wasn’t at it’s best.

And this all happened under Barack Obama’s watch.

He kept everything as the status quo. The Iraq and Afghanistan War is still going on, but hey he killed Osama Bin Laden, and he helped take out Muammar Gaddafi and turned Libya into a shit show.

Remember what Hillary Clinton said about Gaddafi: “We Came, We Saw, and He Died.” And she laughed hysterically.

Hillary Clinton told about Gaddafi’s death

Obama had a smile on his face dancing with Ellen Degeneres and talking about his picks for the upcoming NBA season.

But remember, Obama is a nice guy cause he shows compassion after the wake of his destruction.

Hillary Clinton is a leader of feminism while married with a former president who has had multiple sexual allegations against him and was friends with pedophile Jeffery Epstein.

Meanwhile, Donald Trump led a racist birther movement, after taking his cues from his good friend Hillary Clinton in 2008.

And when 2012 came, most of America voted Obama back in power over Romney because Romney hated Putin and wanted to start the Cold War again with Russia.

Obama still kept a cozy relationship with Putin so why rock the boat?

Because everything I’ve said so far created two factions in the United States that led up to the 2016 election. And you would think it’s the populist movement of Donald Trump and the progressive campaign of Bernie Sanders.

No! You are dead wrong.

Donald Trump may have coined the term MAGA (Make America Great Again), but the two factions in the Republican and Democratic are leading the charge with that mantra.

There is #RedMAGA and #BlueMAGA

#RedMAGA rose in 2015 when a lot of middle-class families were sick and tired of losing their jobs and way of life to corporate America and China for the past 30 years. So they spent whatever money they had to support a man who embodied everything they hated about the American corporate system. Because he exposed the hypocrisy in Washington DC, and he showed everyone as a powerful special interest that he manipulated politicians to do his bidding.

That convinced those folks that Trump can change the system since he was one of the players who manipulated it.

That is what won him the US Presidency. Not racism or Russia…but reform.

Four years later he’s no different than any other President. The only difference is that his #RedMAGA base still got his back.

The reason why? The US mainstream corporate media despise Trump because of his rhetoric. Not his policies…his rhetoric.

Apparently, the mainstream media will overlook your policies, but if you cross them with your rhetoric, it’s a wrap.

That is when #BlueMAGA was born.

#BlueMAGA is the opposite of what #RedMAGA is. #BlueMAGA wants to bring decency and predictability back into the mainstream while #RedMAGA is all about standing up for Trump, even if it’s detrimental to them. Both sides of the same coin, but this is why #BlueMAGA is way worse for America in the long run.


Letter from Birmingham Jail (ext)
By Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., 16 April 1963
“First, I must confess that over the last few years I have been gravely disappointed with the white moderate. I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro’s great stumbling block in the stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen’s Council-er or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate who is more devoted to “order” than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice; who constantly says “I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I can’t agree with your methods of direct action;” who paternalistically feels he can set the timetable for another man’s freedom; who lives by the myth of time and who constantly advises the Negro to wait until a “more convenient season.”

CNN’s Cuomo Primetime

Back in March, Nina Turner, who was working for the Bernie Sanders Campaign, quoted that excerpt on CNN’s Chris Cuomo in her segment with Biden surrogate Hilary Rosen (Hillary Clinton supporter in 16’). Turner was mentioning that letter as a warning that white moderates don’t really care for black folks except when it’s election season. Rosen tried to stop Turner in that segment and was bashfully condescending in trying to whitewash what MLK said in order to make Biden look good.

That segment went crashing down after Turner was defending herself, and Chris Cuomo took Hilary Rosen’s side in the debate by trying to cut Turner off. He was more concerned about the tone of the debate than what was said. He didn’t care what Turner had to say, but as soon as she was offended of what Rosen had to say by misquoting MLK to make Joe Biden look good, then he had to step in to stop Turner from going after Rosen. He never once went after Rosen in that segment, even lying about MLK’s letter.

This is #BlueMAGA to its core. They care about tone and rhetoric when it comes down to them.

You can lie if it helps your brand, Chris Cuomo knows that well after breaking quarantine weeks ago and never telling his CNN audience about that.

But yet Trump is bad: from Don Lemon, Chris Cuomo, Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski.

Five years ago, they were all friends with Trump, and they all invited him to their shows.

What changed?

His rhetoric towards them. Not his racist birther comments in 2011 towards Barack Obama but his insults towards them: The corporate mainstream media.

Most black folks in New York knew how Donald Trump, Rudy Giuliani and Michael Bloomberg are pro-police and supported stop and frisk years before any of these gentlemen were thinking about running for President.

But the corporate mainstream media didn’t care because those men were nice to them via access.

#BlueMAGA doesn’t care about racism, just rhetoric.

Bernie Sanders was running for President in 2016, but the mainstream media didn’t take him seriously enough to the point they started to smear his supporters with an anti-semitic slur called “Bernie-Bros”. This terminology came from a white writer who tried to describe his inner fantasies as an enraged troll to demonize the first Jewish presidential candidate in American history.

Same shit happened in 2008 with the racist crap on Hillary’s watch, and now the anti-semitism is getting a fresh look in 2016.

To this day, #BlueMAGA still calls Bernie supporters Bernie Bros, even if it’s towards people of colour who support him.

#BlueMAGA doesn’t care about racism, just rhetoric.

Joe Biden is the Democratic presidential nominee who has been credibly accused of sexual misconduct at least seven times. Also, remember he was caught on camera inappropriately fondling women and children in a disturbing and disgusting matter.

#BlueMAGA doesn’t care because Biden is a man of character and decency.

But remember, not one member of #BlueMAGA will ever send a female family member to Joe Biden, ever. They’ll vote for him but won’t pose a picture with him alone.

#BlueMAGA believed all women in 2017 and 2018 until it was election season.

But apparently, Trump was way worse with at least 26 women who credibly accused him, even though the media will only broadcast them to hurt Trump.

#BlueMAGA only cares about women and believe women if they can be used as a political tool against their opponents.

But then Tara Reade came along, and now #BlueMAGA changed the rules about believing all women because Joe Biden has been credibly accused of sexual assault.

#BlueMAGA doesn’t care about their hypocrisy, just the Republicans.

#BlueMAGA wasn’t born from the ashes of the 2016 election. It just reared its ugly head into the mainstream with its anti-semitic slur of Bernie Bros, disregarding and disrespecting the black/Latino electorate until it’s election season, and shading bigoted Russian insults to anyone who disagrees with them.

Many Biden surrogates on social media the past few days have wanted investigations done to journalists or have sent their followers to harass Tara Reade. To the point, she had to cancel her Fox News interview with Chris Wallace out of fear for herself and her daughter.

But yet, crickets from #BlueMAGA or the mainstream corporate media.

Just remember the #BlueMAGA was up in arms against Bernie Sanders touting the support of Joe Rogan back in January. CNN’s Bakari Sellers was insulting anyone who would support Joe Rogan, but yet he was silent a few weeks ago when Howard Stern endorsed Joe Biden. Howard Stern has done BlackFace, made pedophile jokes about the Olsen Twins and has said many disgusting and disturbing shit that would make Joe Rogan look like a saint.

Howard Stern doing Blackface

But #BlueMAGA has opened up their arms for him because he cut off his friendship with Donald Trump. They never asked Joe Biden is disavow his endorsement the way he did for Louis CK because Howard Stern is an asset for the media and #BlueMAGA in their war against Donald Trump and the Republicans.

Remember, in a few years, if Howard Stern changes his tune or rhetoric against #BlueMAGA, he’ll be vilified just like Trump was in 2015 because he doesn’t serve their cause.

But here is the kicker…George W Bush is now beloved by #BlueMAGA because he posted a video of unity in this pandemic just recently.

This man was known internationally as a war criminal; the African-American community believed he didn’t care about them in Katrina and was in charge of the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression.

But according to #BlueMAGA his rhetoric and decency erased all the evil he has done in his presidency. They basically whitewashed him and said he’s better than Trump.

Remember that everyone wanted George W Bush to be impeached, but Nancy Pelosi in 2007 said nope. And they were all fine with that. Why? Because of his rhetoric and decency. He’s a guy you can drink beer with or go fishing with. He did that with Vladimir Putin, but no, they rather scrub all those photos on Google and photoshop Trump in Bush’s place alongside Putin.

Even former anti-war activist turned journalist Mehdi Hasan has now spear-headed the cheerleading of whitewashing Bush by praising his personality at the cost of his policies.

But then he seems perplexed on why people accuse him of auditioning for an anchor role on MSNBC. He seems to have a short memory because back in February, when Chris Matthews stepped down from his role as anchor, Mehdi was retweeting and responding to his mentions of people within the media calling for him to take that role.

We all saw that, and right afterwards, he started punching left and acting more centrist in his views of re-shaping the Democratic party as more of a status-quo coalition of progressives and centrist.

I like Mehdi a lot, but he knows damn well who he’s catering to, and it’s towards #BlueMAGA because all they care about is their image and rhetoric.

And mark my words in 10–20 years from now, #BlueMAGA will whitewash Donald Trump as well, just like they did with Bush.

Martin Luther King warned everyone about the white moderates. Unfortunately, they have upgraded to a cult that cares about the status-quo, by pressuring everyone to vote for Joe.

This is the rundown of what #BlueMAGA is all about:

#BlueMAGA won’t phonebank or volunteer for their politicians; they’ll make others they despise to do it for them.

#BlueMAGA will believe all women, if their accusers are Republicans or if they are Democrats that serve no purpose (Al Franken, Harvey Weinstein, Matt Lauer, Charlie Rose).

#BlueMAGA will only care about minorities unless it’s politically convenient (Election Year)

#BlueMAGA doesn’t care about jobs, healthcare or economic inequality because it doesn’t affect them. They are wealthy enough to worry about tone and rhetoric as the number one issue facing the United States.

#BlueMAGA will go after journalists and reporters who they believe are hurting their cause. (ex. Trending on Twitter #FireChrisHayes after the Tara Reade story was on MSNBC)

#BlueMAGA will turn celebrities into contradictions for the benefit of their cause. (ex. Alyssa Milano abandoning the #MeToo Movement to support Joe Biden).

I’m just an outsider living in Canada, watching how the American discourse has shaped for the past 20 years. Trump won’t be the last boogeyman, and there will be another in the future.

#RedMAGA is all about going against the system that props up and caters to minorities at the expense of them. While #BlueMAGA caters to minorities in election season and then ignores them right after it’s over.

Tell me again…why is Trump and his base no different than Biden and his base?

Trump and his base are openly bigoted, but Biden and his base are subconsciously bigoted?

Anyone who says a subconscious bigot is the lesser of two evils to the open bigot need to check their screws.

So if you see a twitter troll in your feed telling that you need to vote Joe Biden and ignore all the crazy shit he’s done: they are #BlueMAGA. Ignore them because they are burner accounts of Democratic interns, pundits, analysts and officials who don’t have the guts to say what they truly feel in public.

Trump is a symptom of a much larger problem that has plagued the American lexicon. He’ll be gone by November 2020 or January 2024, and the same issues that have plagued the country will still remain. Middle-class families will see their jobs getting shipped overseas while upper-class moderates will be making financial dealings with despots and dictators (except Russia). Minorities will be disproportionately disenfranchised and marginalized by both political parties (one by fear and the other by false appeasement).

#RedMAGA might be the boogeymen, but #BlueMAGA is pulling all the strings.

