A ride with a Stranger

2 min readAug 27, 2021


“Madam where are you headed?” I turned to see who was talking. This gentleman had stopped his car in the middle of the road and he was addressing me. “Madam where are you headed?” He asked me again. “Can I give you a lift?” I nodded a yes. “Ok come and get in”. I was relieved. It was cold and I was all alone on the road. I was not afraid because I have walked that road countless times going back home at all hours. I know that God has His angels protecting me all the time. I enjoy those long walks because then I get to talk to Him. I get to tell Him what I think without mincing my words and without caring how it sounds. I get to release all the tension that has built up through out the day or the week or the month, all depending on the seasons. This time round though I was grateful for the ability to walk I was tired and cold. I wanted to get home quickly. I prayed asking God to avail a ride to get me home. I was very grateful, though apprehensive when this gentleman stopped.

When I got in he introduced himself, asked for my name which I told him. Then he said, “You know I do not like seeing ladies walking alone especially at certain times. I always ask myself why. How can I help them? That is why I offered you a lift. Looking at the direction you were walking towards I assumed we were headed towards the same direction.so its really not a big deal for me.” He continued talking and sharing his story. I realized that he was trying to make me at ease and it was working. We got to a bump and right after the bump there was a junction. He turned to me and said, “Is it ok if we take a detour I want to pass by here.” He mentioned the name of the estate. “I want to go pick up some deliveries.” I nodded said, “That’s alright with me.” “Don’t think that I am kidnapping you or anything. I just have to pick them up before I get to my destination as they will be used there.” I laughed, “Don’t worry I am ok with that.” As he was driving, I was busy looking for the exit points and markers just in case this ride turned out to be something else or just in case he decided others wise. His conversations however indicated that he had no ulterior motive. He was working hard to ensure that I felt safe and for me to know that he was going to keep his word. My ‘Spidey senses’ were not signalling any danger either. Though still in high alert, I settled in to enjoy the ride and the conversations with this stranger.

The stranger was a good story teller. He did not seem to shy away or hide anything from me that I asked him no matter how intrusive the question. My interest was piqued.




The musings of a young lady growing up trying to find her mark and voice in the world. She is a thought leader, a creative, a geek, a queen.