Thought patterns that limit you from the life you desire to live



Every time an individual grows or changes, it happens because they have adjusted a thought pattern. Some patterns may be obvious to you and some may not be as obvious; some may have been pointed out with little clarification, and sometimes you just don’t care. The world behaves and thinks that way anyway, right?

We think life is hard. We stay in jobs we hate because life is hard and there is no other way of surviving. Bills don’t know that I hate my job they keep coming. We stay in relationships we are drowning in because life is hard, and it’s harder to get the relationship that I want. I don’t want to stay single, lonely and depressed. Besides, everyone is doing it. We think it’s normal for have numb and aggrieved days, because well life is hard and COVID-19 just complicated it.

Although suffering comes with life, it is not purgatory. We were not created to suffer, then die. If that’s the case, then why is nature so beautiful and diverse? Nat geo brings all that home.

More freedom and time will come later, first I have to endure the stress and suffering of work that I absolutely dislike. This is yet another example of thinking that kills any hope of having or improving quality of life. We re-create the limiting structures we are running away from. We do not believe that we can have freedom, money, have fun and love what you do. This crisis is changing me into a believing that I can and so can you too.

If you are someone who has anxiety, anxiety attacks or repressed anxiety, you are always checking your environment for any potential threats. When you find one you fixate on it, making it your obsession until you come up with an emergency plan or some way to control the situation. This normally works until it does not, then you enter crisis mode.

Empathizing with a situation does not make it your burden to carry. Do not martyr yourself trying to fix a situation or a person. Don’t hold back just because they are threatened by what you carry and what you can do. There will always be negative outcomes from those around you, don’t allow it to hold you back. Don’t let it stunt your growth, your potential, or dim your light. Discern what you can and can not do. What problems are your responsibility to handle? Which ones are you not? What is within your sphere of influence? After all that, take it to God and ask Him to lead you. Once you have a solution, decide on a plan and then move on.




The musings of a young lady growing up trying to find her mark and voice in the world. She is a thought leader, a creative, a geek, a queen.