Write it down, I say Vision Board it

3 min readMar 26, 2021


Courtesy of https://www.designsponge.com/2019/08/a-vision-board-for-the-future.html

You have probably heard it said we never get what we want because we do not know what we want. Or if you do not have a plan, someone else will have a plan for you. Have you ever heard someone say “I want a better job or” I cannot believe this is how my life will end, I hate my life? ” When you ask further how they plan to change or what does a better job look like, they give you some vague answer or they do not know what that even looks like?

Habakkuk 2:2 (MEV) says, “And the Lord answered me Write the vision, and make it plain on tablets, that he who reads it may run.”

https://godtv.com/write-vision-make-plain-run/ When it is written down and then implemented, those we lead can ‘run’ with it and we will see it succeed. A clear process begins to develop as it is made plain.

Many famous people have quoted those words in different way and contexts.

Helen Keller, who was blind once, said: What would be worse than being born blind? To have sight without vision.

When you have a sense of your own identity and a vision of where you want to go in life, you then have the basis for reaching out to the world and going after your dreams for a better life. -Stedman Graham

This task in itself seems somewhat gigantic. In comes vision boards.

Courtesy of https://drjulieconnor.com/how-to-write-resolutions/

What then is a vision board?

According to definitions from oxford languages and google: A vision board is a collage of images and words representing a person’s wishes or goals, intended to serve as inspiration or motivation.

Why create a vision board?

The world around us keeps inventing new things and is constantly bombarding with “wonderful” distractions. Its easy to lose focus especially when life happens. How do you know where to pick up and continue? A vision board is important because.

>Focus your attentions on your intentions.

>It helps you identify your vision and gives it some clarity.

>It inspires you to keep moving.

>The dream does not seem so daunting anymore because you are able to break it down into small manageable pieces

How do you go about creating one?

Look for a pin board or any board that you like to look at

Look for magazines that you can cut out images and quotes from things that you want to look at every day; photos, images of places you want to go, sayings, reminders of events and people. Anything that inspires you or that will inspire you.

Scissors tapes pins glues sticks that will help you put your board together

Anything you can use to deck out your board. Fun markers, stickers, embellishments, etc. do not think of what others will think when they see your board. This is all about you. Do what pleases you.

Have a party. Invite your friends to do it with you. If that does not work for you can also do it alone. Curve out time when you will not be distracted. You can go to a place that allows you some alone time , a place that is refreshing to your soul.

Set the mood. Turn on some relaxing music. Light a candle or two. Need to be careful that they are far from where the cutouts will be to avoid any fire hazards. Take a deep breath, letting it out slowly. Then get to pasting. I like it when things huddle over, so I overlap them together. Make a list of how you want things laid down.




The musings of a young lady growing up trying to find her mark and voice in the world. She is a thought leader, a creative, a geek, a queen.