5 Powerful Tools to Check IP and URL Reputation

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5 min readAug 2, 2023
security center and the tools for the devices shown on the concentric circles
Source: thesecmaster.com

In this digital world, we are dealing with a lot of digital entities, like websites, IP addresses, domains, URLs, a lot of different file types, applications, services, and many more. Well, most of them are legit, but there are malicious entities as well. It’s the Security Researchers and Analysts who always try to catch those malicious digital entities out of the crowd. Technically, they call them Indicators of Attack (IoA) and Indicators of Compromise (IoC).

Attackers try hiding their IoAs and IoCs to covertly work under the radar to get it done their malicious actions. To stop attacks, it is necessary to identify the malicious IoAs and IoCs like IP Addresses, website domains, URLs, and files. But, the ultimate question is how do you identify them? The whole purpose of this post is to introduce you to the five powerful tools to check IP and URL reputations to stop the attacks as effectively as possible.

Let’s see a few powerful open-source tools to check IP and URL reputations for security research and analysis.

Table of Contents

· Virus Total
· AbuseIPDB
· Cisco Talos
· URL filtering by Palo Alto
· IP Void
· Conclusion

Virus Total

URL: https://www.virustotal.com/gui/home/search

Virus Total
Virus Total

Virus Total is one of the primary tools for security researchers for reputation checks and other details.

Features provided by Virus Total:

  1. Real-time data
  2. Detailed results
  3. Data from 70 + antivirus engines
  4. Comments from the community
  5. Scan for any files

We can check the reputation of the IP, Domain, URL, and Files by simply searching in the console. Detailed tutorial on virus total can be found here.


URL: https://www.abuseipdb.com/

AbuseIPDB 2
AbuseIPDB 2

AbuseIPDB serves as a valuable resource for sysadmins to report and access information about malicious IP addresses, helping them detect and mitigate potential attacks before they impact their infrastructure.

Features Provided by AbuseIPDB

  1. Continuous Scanning of the Internet for Attacks
  2. Tracking of Attacks from the origin
  3. Proactive defense
  4. Reporting and Crowdsourcing: AbuseIPDB allows sysadmins to report IP addresses that have engaged in malicious activity
  5. Details of what that IP is associated with

Cisco Talos

URL: https://www.talosintelligence.com/

Cisco Talos screen showing the world map
Cisco Talos 1
Cisco Talos screen showing data
Cisco Talos 2

Talos’ IP and Domain Data Center is a highly extensive and real-time threat detection network. It gathers security intelligence from millions of web, email, firewall, and IPS appliances worldwide. By correlating threats in real-time using a vast network spanning various sources like web requests, emails, malware samples, and network intrusions, Talos provides actionable threat intelligence and tools to enhance security measures.

  1. Reputation Evaluation: Talos assesses the reputation of your domain or IP as Good, Neutral, or Poor based on evaluations by other email service providers.
  2. Good Reputation: A Good reputation means there are no concerns, and your emails are likely to reach the intended recipients’ inboxes without issues.
  3. Neutral Reputation: Neutral indicates room for improvement in email deliverability. It suggests optimizing certain aspects to increase the chances of inbox delivery.
  4. Poor Reputation: A Poor reputation means most of your emails might not reach the inbox. They could be flagged as spam or face filtering, leading to reduced visibility and engagement.

They also provide much more in-depth details on the IP, including who is details, email communications, etc.

URL filtering by Palo Alto

URL: https://urlfiltering.paloaltonetworks.com/

URL filtering by Palo Alto
URL filtering by Palo Alto

Palo Alto Networks is a cybersecurity company that offers various solutions to protect networks and systems from threats.

URL filtering is a technique used to control and monitor web access based on the URLs (Uniform Resource Locators) or web addresses that users attempt to visit. This service allows organizations to manage and enforce web access policies, block or allow specific websites or categories of websites, and protect against malicious content and potential security risks.

Using This solution, organizations can

  • Strengthen their security posture by preventing access to potentially harmful or unauthorized websites
  • Reducing the risk of malware infections
  • Improving productivity by restricting access to non-work-related websites
  • Ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements.

IP Void

URL: https://www.ipvoid.com/

IP Void
IP Void

The IPVoid website is an online tool that provides various IP (Internet Protocol) and domain-related information. It offers a range of utilities and services to analyze and gather information about IP addresses, domains, and other network-related data.

Some of the key features and tools available on IPVoid include:

  • IP and Domain Reputation Check
  • Blacklist Check
  • Whois Lookup
  • DNS Lookup
  • Port Scan


These are some of the open-source tools to check IP and URL reputation check, and all the tools have much more capability than reputation analysis. Exploring each feature can help you do your analysis much more efficiently.

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