10 essential works to understand Pablo Picasso

He created around 1900 paintings in his career.

Deborah MT
The Sequence


Image by the author. Adaptation from Unsplash.

For those who do not live on planet Earth or do not know anything about the universe of Visual Arts, Pablo Picasso was a Spanish painter, sculptor, poet, ceramist, playwright, and set designer. He spent most of his adult life in Paris, where he became friends with several artists.

Picasso is known to be one of the founders of cubism and one of the great revolutionaries of art in the early 20th century.

These are ten essential works to understand the painter and his artistic periods. I will not discuss Picasso’s position in personal relationships here (especially in relation to women). This is theme for another article.

1 — First Communion (1896) — Before 1900

First Communion (1896)
First Communion (1896)

Picasso’s first creative period is before 1900. It contains all the paintings made before that year, as in this oil on canvas, painted when Picasso attended the art school La Lonja.

The work was exhibited in Barcelona and drew the attention of the local press. It was made according to the precepts of realism from…



Deborah MT
The Sequence

Creative Strategist | Ph.D. In Computing Arts I Modern Polymath I Artist I Designer I Writer I Professor I Researcher I @deborahmt_