So it’s been a while…

Jennifer Ortakales
Published in
2 min readJun 16, 2022

Okay, so it’s been a few months and let’s just say my progress in getting these side hustles off the ground still looks like the spinny loading icon on a Mac. But I have a perfectly good excuse. I’ve been so focused on my actual job—which I love by the way — that I haven’t made the time to write a single blog post or list a single item. I guess that’s the downside to trying to have a side hustle when you aren’t looking for a way out of your current job. There’s no desperation to fuel you.

My job as a journalist makes me really happy and I plan to do it until I die or until I’m ready to retire and be a journalism professor, whichever happens first.

So in my case, the only motivation for these side-hustles is to earn extra income to pay off debt and hopefully one day build generational wealth for my family (because ya’ll know that’s not happening solely on a journalist’s salary). And those are pretty lofty, far out concepts when I’m logging off from work at 6 pm, satisfied with what I‘ve accomplished in a day and excited to return to it the next day, but mentally exhausted from staring at a screen for eight hours. Most evenings, all I want to do is drink a Voodoo Ranger IPA and watch “Grace and Frankie.”

Prosperity, adventure, access. These things mean a lot to me. But how does one muster up the energy and make the time for a side hustle that may not be the main source of their passion, but represents their longer-term life goals?

(I’ll leave this open for comments, because I’m still figuring it out. I would love your thoughts.)

