A Hump Day Boost

Essential oils that I used to help boost my energy and get me through the day.

Allie DeLuca
2 min readMar 30, 2017


After the flight back from Hawaii I have not been able to get back into the swing of things! Today and yesterday I have been super tired, regardless of the amount of sleep I’ve gotten. I work at a holistic healing office, and the woman that I work for has basically every essential oil that is sold, right there in her office. So I wanted to research and test some essential oils that would help give me a boost of energy, and pass it on to whoever is reading!

Peppermint oil acts as a stimulant to your limbic system. It increases alertness and helps with focus and concentration. Peppermint is also really good for athletes to use or to inhale right before the gym to get you in the zone and boost your mood. Peppermint also helps to lessen mental fatigue.

Basil oil is also a mental stimulant. It helps to alleviate headaches and sharpen the senses. It also has an uplifting effect.

Orange oil, or basically any citrus, is super uplifting. Orange is known as the “happy oil”, when you feel low on energy and this oil will refresh and lighten up your mood.

These are just a few of my favorites, there are tons of stimulating essential oils, and which ever oil you are drawn to, is probably the one that is best for you! I like to use a nasal inhaler because those are 100% dilution so your getting the strongest effects. Plus you can carry them around with you too!

If you click on each essential oil that I underlined, you can see which version of each that you should be using.

