🌳07🌳 Map Ideal User Journey and Do Midterm Presentation

Yuxuan Hou
🌕 Thesis Development | 2022🌕
5 min readMar 19, 2022

This week, we need to present our midterm work. I want to use this time to clarify my thesis purpose, the ideal user journey, and each step & tech in the whole experience.

There are some tips for this presentation:

  • focus on problem and solution with more clarity
  • Back your solution with research and testing
  • Clear value proposition and defined user journey

We also have some great critics who have not seen our project before to attend. I believe this is a wonderful time to go through my idea, check the presentation whether could be easily underhanded and my solutions whether making sense.

Midterm Presentation

Let’s start on PRIVATEHOOD :)

Problem statement


So why online privacy on social media is so important?

After I see lots of news leaking privacy, portraits misused and research, I found 72% of Americans are using social media. Among these, 84% of users post personal content every week, and 42% of users post every day.

Just in 2019, there are 2.1 million snaps are shared on social media in only 1 minute.

Social media plays a huge role in everyone’s life. Even you don’t post anything, you also appear in friends’ and relatives’ posts. Up till today, there are lots of increasing platforms, like TikTok and Redbook. No one can ignore social media today.

However, it does not mean all the impact from social media is positive. It brings uncountable toxic sequela to us. There are 21 laws in copyright and only 1 law in digital assets.

If the existing world cannot help us, it means we need to do something for ourselves and for the future!

— Yuxuan

Target user and main pain point

And my target user groups are influencers and women who are using social media. I don't mean men will not face the problem of stealing digital assets.

Just because influencers and women always face riskier situations.

Value proposition

And what I pursue here is I want everyone to have the right to control the digital contents they share every day! They can choose to keep, modify, or delete. Any other people are not illegal to occupy, spread and sell.

We deserve a safer and healthy environment to share lovely moments;)

— Yuxuan


And here is PRIVATEHOOD. It is a platform to help users to check any points they have already leaked by using AI content checking and reverse image search.

Users will see each detail online, like their real name, phone number, or email and they also could track the source to take action on it.

Key features and ideal user journey

Here are the key features I clarify.

I divided my thesis goals into each step, so it will be clear to think about each step in the whole user journey.

The hero journey would be browsing the risky reports and taking action on them.


And for the competitors…

Actually, I did not find any competitors …

So I analyzed each used tech in each step of the user journey, and then try to find some related product.

If you want to see more details, please wait for my next article;)

Future Vision

Hence, that’s my ideas, pursuing values, thinking process, and presentation~

Let’s make a better digital world together!

— Yuxuan

Feedback after Presentation:


Beautiful design and presentation.[Thanks;)]

You could think about how the reverse searching how to address with different social media platforms. Because each platform has different agreements on the contents users share.

And the user group could think about more specific.

Tong :

I saw your project’s target user groups are influencers and women who use social media. I am thinking each user group could have different strategies to follow up.

And I am confused about the 3D model part. It seems not consistent with your user journey.

You need to think about the purpose of creating a customized 3D model, you want to engage people? want users to have some fancy stuff to share? but it probably will leak more privacy, right?

So think about this part:)


I agree with the 3D model parts, too.

For serious privacy problems, it’s okay to not be playful. You could think about how to make the design language more fun, or the presentation more playful. Not only focusing on the solution and user journey.

I recommend you choose one target user group — influencers. Because they overshare their daily life and possibly face riskier situations than normal users. You could think about creating a safer sharing environment for the new generation. They need a beneficial ecosystem for sure.

And you could think about how to help the young generation to reflect on digital data ownership and educate them that they have the right to dominate their posting content.

Do more round testing with influencers, you even could do several round interviews with the same person to see their feedback. Probably you could list all the agreements of digital assets from different social media platforms and rank them. Then you could get insights from discussing with interviewees.

Do more tests and update the feedback with me!


