idea #1. Timelined data by Collective Intelligence


As a parents of a baby, they want to know what their child need as they are growing up at each age or month. When their child shows unseen behavior or illness-like symptom, they want to know whether this is common thing at their child’s age or not. However, all the information they can get is small fragment when they try to search it or ask them to acquaintances. That means it is difficult to get information that is verified or has holistic point of view. It will be nice to have collection of information showing common or unique cases of baby care.

Idea. Timelined data base on Collective Intelligence

People will post a short note on their timeline especially when their child show certain behavior, illness or symptom. All the posts are collected in one big timeline visual so that it will make a infograhic that anyone can access to see what happens to children at certain age or month commonly or uniquely. By seeing the graph, they will be able to know what to prepare in advance or what is good methods for their child’s behavior or illness.

Pros and Cons

Timeline is intuitive methods that people understand information very easily. It has clear visual by time and easy to navigate. However, applying immense amount of information to a graph will be a big challenge. So, having a categorized timeline such as dividing subject by medical, food, behavior and so on will be helpful.

