Prototype — Food making kit

I started building a prototype to test my idea with other users (parents).

Prototype Name

Food Explore (Temporary)

What is this for?

To test the second hypothesis with parents.

How it works?

This prototype will consist of a food kit, a recipe, and a mobile app. Once parents order 3 meals (with one theme vegetable) through the mobile app, they will get the food kit that has all the ingredients for each 3 meals with recipes included. They will cook each meal from the kit and will record how the children respond to it. The record should be sent to the service so it can help establish a child’s eating pattern. This pattern will give parents recommendations for good combinations of food so that the child can eat well.

Prototyping plan

At this point, I will start making a food kit and a recipe.


To practice user testing, I made a recipe that describes how to use the kit and how to cook each meal.

Recipe — Front Page
Recipe — Back page

Food kit

To build and streamline consistent experience, I made 3 sections in the food kit box that is mapped with the recipe. This is so that users can note which section is connected with which recipe.

Next Step

I will do user testing with this food kit.

(22 Feb 2017)


