Roll Playing Mock-up #1

Role Playing with Mockup

This week during class on Tuesday, I had used the methodology of Roll Playing Mock-ups to check the proof of concept for my idea #3, “Food & Nutrition tracking for baby.” First, I showed my classmates how it works to implement this. Below is the chatbot idea of baby food tracking I prototyped.

Food tracking chatbot

Next, I chose my friend Ritwik to be a father, and James to be a toddler who refuses to eat what the parent is providing. I pretended to be a chatbot. The father tries to feed his toddler but the toddler refuses. So he asks the chatbot what to do.


  • I found Roll Playing Mockups are helpful finding real issues that happen around real situations.
  • When Ritwik’s son refused to eat and Ritwik asked for other food he can try, chatbot recommended an alternative food. But Ritwik found that there isn’t any ingredients to make the food that the chatbot recommended. This actually happens.

(Updated 26 Jan 2017)


