10 Soul Healing Lessons from 2019

How to heal yourself through spiritual enlightenment

C.B. Faye
The Soul Essays
6 min readJan 10, 2020


I’m thankful for whoever is reading this. Whether I directed you here, or you sought me out — by choice or by chance, I appreciate your time in being present on the other side of this page.

In NPR’s interview with self-made billionaire, CEO and Founder of SPANX, Sara Blakely said,

“The more you experience in life, the more you have to offer.”

This is why I open my heart and share my most vulnerable experiences and thoughts with you all. Nearing 25, I have deeply and widely experienced life. I share my story of spiritual awakening in hopes that whoever else is out there feeling hurt, lost, or lonely can find themselves in my journey of healing.

I’ve overcome a childhood of inherited poverty, abuse, and complex trauma in my lifetime. I think I may spend the rest of my life healing. I am (now) at peace with this, as I learned how to spiritually heal myself in 2019.

How to Heal yourself Through Spiritual Enlightenment

Looking back on the year, there were many dark days. I imagine 2019 as a movie trailer of emotions and memories, scenes shifting through struggles and hardships. This last year alone tested me more than ever before.

I was at war with my heart and mind every single day. I felt like I was living in quick sand. Like the ground was constantly sinking beneath me and Hell itself was reaching up to grab me.

I was heavily meditating on many internal demons as well. I would revisit my most painful memories being abused as a child and relive the abuse of my loved ones. I reopened these deep wounds to try seeing them in a new light. Meditation granted me this ability to view the things that happened TO me as events that happened FOR the evolution of my soul in this lifetime.

I credit my healing to my spiritual enlightenment. This may not be the case for everyone, but my commitment to awakening my consciousness and deeply connecting to the universe gave me:

  • The ability to awaken to the darkness inside of me
  • The courage to face my deepest pain
  • The strength to overcome what I thought I never could
  • The soft grace to hold and carry me through this journey of healing myself

I want you to know you’re not alone. I want you to know that whatever it is you’re facing, you have the strength to rise above whatever you’re struggling with. Healing is possible for you.

10 Soul Healing Lessons from 2019

  1. Our pain remains to teach us what we must heal in order to move on from the things that have happened to us. We must develop the self awareness required to see our shadows and bring them into a different light.
  2. Healing requires many shift in perspective. As simple as that sounds, it is surely not easy. I know how hard it is to face your demons and look at them through a more loving lens. However, love is how healing happens. Love is what heals.
  3. We cannot change our inherited pain. We cannot control what has happened to us. We cannot rewrite our DNA or reshuffle the cards the world has given us. To heal, we must accept everything in our lives exactly as it is. Awareness is the first step to healing, but acceptance must accompany this awareness of self.
  4. As you take the journey of self growth and healing, your shadows begin to reveal themselves in plain sight. Growth is hard. Owning your humanness, your mistakes, and your flaws… it’s what you must do in order to foster the self compassion necessary to heal the pain that prevents you from realizing your full potential in this lifetime.
  5. To heal yourself, you must learn to love yourself IN THE PROCESS. Learning to love yourself fully is first admitting that you don’t. This is heartbreaking, at times. In order to heal your wounded anxieties and insecurities, you must offer yourself your own love, your forgiveness, and your kindness.
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6. You are not what happened to you. You are not the darkness, you are the person fighting the darkness.

7. You can’t rush your healing. This is another lesson beautifully composed by Trevor Hall. You cannot put yourself and your healing on a timeline. We are multi-dimensional beings. Our souls operate on a divine schedule. You must honor where you are and embrace however you feel, every single day.

8. Transformation is a result of consistency. Healing is a conscious, agonizing decision that requires discipline. Discipline is the key to freedom. You are the holder of that key. Commit yourself to healing. Commit yourself to change. Freedom will follow.

9. We are never going to get it right 100% of the time, no matter how much work we put into healing ourselves. Allow yourself to be imperfect. Extend the same grace to others. This is why it’s a journey. Life is long. We are here to navigate each day as it comes, moment by moment, inhale by exhale.

10. Surrender. The hardest lesson I’m still learning on my journey of awakening and healing. As you’re traveling each personal Hell from your past, there comes a point where the pain consumes you so greatly you are faced with two choices — you let the pain consume you or you let the pain go.

The spiritual journey is simply the way of the heart. Open your heart and do not be afraid to face the fear that lives beneath the surface. Your spiritual awakening is your healing. We cannot heal what we cannot see. Shine light on your shadows, this is where healing starts. Healing is your spiritual enlightenment.

These moments where your soul is at the bottom of itself and you feel that you can’t handle the anguish of your life, you must not forget the which heart still beats inside of you. Spiritual enlightenment is awakening to the love that has ALWAYS been inside of you, the love waiting to guide you home to the safe heaven of yourself.

No matter how dark it gets, there is a light that still flickers within you. That light is you. That light is your heart and your breath. All you need is one flame to light a dark room. One flame is all it takes. You are the flame. You are all you need to survive, to heal, to prosper.


The sadness fades
The fear weakens
The worry drifts
And the pain heals
Stay afloat
The storm calms
The winds settle
The sun returns
And the seas will still
Once more

Courtney Faye Brown is a spiritualist, poet, wellness writer, digital marketer, personal development leader and women empowerment advocate.

“The intentions for my work is to fulfill my divine life purpose of awakening humanity out of fear into love.”




C.B. Faye
The Soul Essays

As a writer and poet, I attempt to unlock the absurdity and beauty of being human. Words are keys to secret gardens of the soul. Let's feel it all together!