Become your best self and live your best life

My purpose is here is to wake people up to their souls

Courtney Faye Brown
The Soul Essays
Published in
3 min readApr 2, 2018


Through The Soul Essays, I aspire to enrich people’s lives with truth, depth, and self-discovery. I hope to create this as a space where people can come together to learn, inspire, and love. My goal is to inspire others to manage and grow their best selves in order to live their best lives.

There’s no other place to start with my Soul Essays besides here, where love begins and ends- yourself. Self-love is the core of your soul. Self-love is a love that illustrates your best and biggest self. Your most peaceful self. Your truest self. It’s not just “love for yourself” that makes you become the best version of yourself. It is the journey of self-love, the fight, the process, the tears, and the triumphs. It can sound so light and sugary, “self-love”. Self-love is the commitment to unconditionally discover, accept, forgive, challenge, grow, and confront all parts of who you are- past, present and future. Self-love is a life-long war. As you fight in this war, you become stronger, wiser, better. You become a warrior.

Through my Soul Essays on self-love, I am going to share how you can truly discover yourself. Getting to know the ins and outs of who you are, what has made you think, act, believe, and live the way you do is the first step to loving yourself. You must know yourself to love yourself. Think about it, would you completely love someone you didn’t know at all? Someone you kinda knew and kinda liked? Get to know yourself. Knowledge is power. The power of knowing yourself is the power of loving yourself. Anything negative you hear in popular culture about self-love and self-help is being delivered by individuals and organizations who have not went on the journey of self-love. I say this because once you go dedicate your time, energy, and consciousness to loving yourself, your life is changed forever. This isn’t just an opinion of mine. I’ve personally seen and experienced dozen and dozens of individuals who’s lives have changed when they started their journeys of self-love.

Those that may objectively judge the self-love movement of our time are only able to judge it because it’s from an objective point of view. The subjective views of self-love holds all the same truths. That truth is yourself. Discover yourself, discover your truths, discover self-love, discover your highest self, and live your highest life. All love begins and ends with you. The love you give and receive to others is a derivative of the love you give and receive to yourself. Fall in love with yourself, fall in love with life. If everyone loved themselves, we’d live in a world that’s fallen in love with itself…what a beautiful world that would be. I’m here to create that world.

It begins and ends, with you.

Wake up with me.



Courtney Faye Brown
The Soul Essays

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