To the twenty-something’s navigating adulthood

It’s more than just adulting

Courtney Faye Brown
The Soul Essays
1 min readAug 11, 2022


It’s more than just adulting, ya know? It’s trying to make a living in a world with a tasteless recipe for success.

We are tired and uninspired. Battling practicality and purpose. As most of us were told to choose one or the other.

To be a struggling artist or a composer of comfort. To chase our dreams or benefits and security.

It’s feeling like we’re running out of time as each year comes quicker than next. When we have decades of our lives left.

And yet, our anxiety tells us otherwise. To compare our progress to someone else’s life.

A generation stuck in unprecedented times. How do we move forward as the world moves backward?

And it’s on us to be the solution. To correct a world we had no part in polluting.

It’s more than adulting. It’s exhausting. But we keep fighting. And we’re still trying.

To leave this world better than we found it. To find hope each day we’re convinced we lost it.



Courtney Faye Brown
The Soul Essays

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