View your problems through a different lens

Inventing life’s solutions with higher perspectives

Courtney Faye Brown
The Soul Essays
Published in
2 min readJun 5, 2019


There’s a reason you are where you are right now. Most of the time, we cannot make sense of our experiences in the midst of them because each experience life gives us is designed to evolve us in some way. If you are feeling lost in a certain challenge or situation, or in your thoughts… release your desire to control what you’re going through and what you’re feeling. You are not supposed to know why or how right now. You are supposed to show up for whatever it is you’re going through and accept it for all that it is.

Life is like a cumulative exam filled with tests from every experience. We must begin viewing our problems through a different lens. We must adjust our mindsets to view our experiences from ascended perspectives. You cannot solve a present problem without inventing new solutions.

We must change our relationship to the problems in our lives by viewing them as opportunities to grow and learn. You must develop new ways of thinking, engaging, and perceiving the darkness in your life.

Everything really does happen for a reason — if you give reason to everything. And that reason may not come now, but believe that it will. You are not supposed to know right now, you are simply supposed to learn. What is your life teaching you right now?



Courtney Faye Brown
The Soul Essays

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