We are all here because we need each other

C.B. Faye
The Soul Essays


If you wish to evolve in your life, it is crucial to spend time walking the world alone. In isolation we discover ourselves in ways that can’t be explored with others. Only having yourself to rely on and taking big leaps out of your comfort zone tests what you’re made of to your core and refines who you are. When you are able to begin and end each day with only yourself, needing no one else to bring you joy, love, and acceptance — you have overcome a great resistance which precedes leveling up your life.

In the isolation I’ve felt since picking up my entire life and moving across the country to Colorado, I have transformed into the best version of myself. I’ve confronted my deep loneliness and only had myself to offer. Without my family & friends, I had to be enough for myself. Many days I wasn’t. Many nights I would lay with myself and just crave someone else’s presence. It’s a vulnerable thing to share, but I know it’s something we all experience. Because we’re all human. And we all crave connection and have a desire to belong with one another because it’s in the very nature of our beings. Connection is the sole essence of being human.

This incredible relationship I’ve created with myself was primarily built behind closed doors. But as I’m introducing my highest self to the world I’m learning that what we’re aspiring towards in life would have no meaning without the people we share our lives with. A great relationship with yourself colors your other relationships with evolved ways of loving and supporting the people around you.

So maybe learning how to love yourself teaches you how to really love others. And maybe it’s not just about finding yourself, but who you get lost with along the way. Maybe home isn’t just a place you find in your own heart, but in the hearts we meet on our journeys. Each person in your life is a star crossed intervention designed to serve you in some way. We are here to learn from each other. We are here to take care of each other. We are here to love one another. We are all here, together, because we need each other.

This life is a beautiful, beautiful thing. And it’s meant to be shared 💛



C.B. Faye
The Soul Essays

As a writer and poet, I attempt to unlock the absurdity and beauty of being human. Words are keys to secret gardens of the soul. Let's feel it all together!