What do you want?

C.B. Faye
The Soul Essays
3 min readApr 2, 2018


After meditating one evening several weeks ago, I opened my journal, and a vague, paradoxically simple but not simple question rose within me before I started journaling. This voice within asked “what do you want?”, not in regards to anything specific, just “what do you want?”

And this is the answer I gave myself:

“I want to create the life I know I’m capable of living. I want to embrace this current critical period of change and growth in my life. I want to welcome change with open arms. I want to become forever comfortable with being uncomfortable. I want to become my better self. I want to be around people who make me see the world differently, who inspire me, and teach me. All people, places, situations, and experiences that are in the realm of your being are meant to teach you truths about the world that you haven’t woken up to yet. I want to wake up. I want to be a student of life, a student of the universe. I want to learn about myself. I want to get committed to yoga. I want to write. I want to write a blog full time. I want to write a book. I want to be an author and a speaker.

Ultimately, I want to help people. Inspire them. I want to open people up to their souls, to the truths within them so they can live their best lives with love, peace, contentment, and self-awareness. I want for people to live with a connection to their spirit and the spirit of the universe that’s deep and profound. I want to become love so I can give love. I want to develop a radical love for myself because that’s the truest of loves and when I develop this authentic and internal love, I will be able to give a genuine and external love to the world around me. I want to awaken this self-love within others so then they too, contribute authentic love to the world. If self-love were to be accomplished within every individual, we would live in a world that’s fallen in love with itself. I want to create that world.”

I’m sharing this insight because I think it’s crucial to pose these questions to your soul, like what do you want? What do you love? Who do you want to be? What does this (life) all mean to you? The first step of growing who you are is knowing who you are. It is within these questions we ask ourselves that we begin to discover the makeup of our beings. This is key to developing self awareness, which is the key to knowing yourself, which is the foundation of loving yourself. It is in these moments with ourselves that we begin discovering, creating, and embracing our best selves — to eventually discover and create our best lives.

By journaling what I want for myself and my life, I consciously spoke these desires into existence. You have to know, or at least have some centered, guided direction of who you want to be in the world, and what you want the world to be. Speak your dreams into existence, and you can manifest them as your realities.

Journaling is the most effective practice I do that has delivered me to the soul of myself, and something I would recommend to anyone who wants to become self aware, find their purpose, and navigate the experiences of their inner selves, to navigate the experience of our external world. Journaling is just one tool I utilize in developing myself. The key is finding what practice, activity, ritual, exercise, hobby, etc. provokes you to visit that space within yourself and discover more of who you are — mentally, physically, and emotionally.

So, what do you want?



C.B. Faye
The Soul Essays

As a writer and poet, I attempt to unlock the absurdity and beauty of being human. Words are keys to secret gardens of the soul. Let's feel it all together!