Join The Standard DAO’s Telegram

A DAO is a decentralised autonomous organisation and The Standard Protocol lives and breaths this concept from birth. It means that the protocol is built by a community of people based all around the world and the rule sets will be developed by and voted on by the community.

When communities start it’s no good to have a vast forum of many topics. As the Standard DAO is still very much in stealth mode and building as a small community we simply use telegram as a single stream.

Once the DAO outgrows telegram we will be moving to Discord as well as a full forum on that the DAO is currently developing where you log in with MetaMask, can submit and vote on proposals as well as participate in prediction and decision markets.

But for now please head over to Telegram and say hi!


-- DeFi protocol DeFi protocol

A next-generation Defi lending platform that enables anyone to lock up hard and soft assets to generate a suite of fiat pegged stable coins.