The launch of the ultimate stablecoin protocol is almost here, and we are making strides toward the upcoming IBCO. October was all about getting as much exposure to the protocol as possible. Let’s get into the key events from last month!

Quick reminder, we have also opened the referral program and the waitlist for the IBCO!

If you haven’t already, join our referral program to get your hands on exclusive prizes such as rare NFTs, our governance Token, TST, and more. This is an excellent opportunity to gain early access to our first overcollateralized asset-backed stablecoin, the sEURO. Visit our Referral Program for more info!

Below we have summarized the key announcements from last month.



Metaverse is an immersive experience brought to life with life-life HD avatars. Dreamster is a service where users can feel free to create NFTs such as music and avatars in many artistic ways and use them permanently as their digital bodies with proof and trust across the Metaverse.

Users of Dreamster will be able to use the sEuro as a currency to trade NFTs on the platform. sEuro owners will be able to use it to create virtual 3D avatars on Dreamster. The partnership between Dreamster and will unlock new opportunities for users of both platforms to create, trade, and invest in many different ways across the Metaverse.

Media and Events to promote

As we get closer to the IBCO launch, we must get our message out to the masses. That is why the team was featured in the following media and events last month:

Toolset for the DAO

As announced at the beginning of October, we opened Dework for the community to earn income and be part of the growth of We had our first bounty payments on Dework sent to the relevant contributors, and the bounty tasks keep growing! Check out our open bounties on Dework here. We also have started the integration of other platforms, such as Snapshot. If you want to find out how it all fits together, visit our blog post:

Audit Passed!

Another step forward for the protocol as we passed Zokyo’s security audit with no critical issues. All our smart contracts withstood intense scrutiny and passed the assessment. This will only give further confidence and increased interest in what is being built here at For more info, check out the full audit report from Zokyo.

Here are our links. Connect with Us!


-- DeFi protocol DeFi protocol

A next-generation Defi lending platform that enables anyone to lock up hard and soft assets to generate a suite of fiat pegged stable coins.