The IBCO is here. What now?


The IBCO is now live! This guide details the process that can be followed to participate in the IBCO and how to reap the benefits of doing so. If you want to read in more detail about what an IBCO is and how it works, visit one of our previous posts below.

Why Join The IBCO early?

Users can buy sEURO at a massive discount starting at 80 cents. As more liquidity comes into the pool, the discount will become less until we reach a 1:1 peg, and this starts today! The earlier you join, the bigger the discount.


IBCO Stages And How To Stake & Earn yields

All three stages are available at once:

Stage 1: Initial Discount Curve for sEURO

Here is where you get to buy the first stablecoins at a discount for helping the protocol build its stability pool. So you get to buy the first sEURO’s for 80 cents!

As the pool fills up, the discount becomes less, so hurry.

Stage 2: Initial Bonding Curve (Liquidity Bond)

While you wait for the sEURO to reach parity with the EURO, you can already realize the FULL EURO VALUE by buying a liquidity bond with the sEURO you just purchased! You simply commit the sEURO you received in stage 1 with an equal amount of USDC to the Uniswap pool using the interface at

So how does it work?

You commit sEURO and USDC, then choose 1 week, 4 weeks, 3 months, 6 months, or 12 months for the bond's maturity. The longer the maturity date, the higher the return on investment, reaching up to 33% ROI. This bond is paid out in TST and enables the user to receive the membership tokens early at a great price. This process rewarded users for helping the protocol over-collateralizing and providing deep liquidity to the stability pools.

Stage 3: Staking TST

The DAO will vote on deploying the protocol-controlled value collected in stages 1 and 2 for the safest and highest yield. The yields of this pooled fund will initially be rewarded to TST stakers (up to 12% APY).

The main objectives of the Initial Bonding Curve Offering (IBCO) for are to provide strong incentives for early adopters to mint sEURO, to provide strong incentives to build deep liquidity for the first stablecoin sEURO and the governance token TST, and to keep sEURO stable and pegged to the fiat currency EURO after the IBCO.

Protocol’s Vision aims to be the ultimate decentralized and over-collateralized stablecoin and lending protocol. A next-gen protocol built for the EVM and set to become the standard in stablecoin issuance and lending globally. These stablecoins are backed by tokenized gold, Bitcoin, Ethereum, and more. Just like the gold standard, this guarantees the currency’s value while enabling the individuals minting the stablecoins to use fiat inflation in their favor. We may be starting with sEURO as our first stablecoin, but we will be looking to release all fiat currencies stablecoins such as sUSD, sINR, sRUB, sGBP, sAUD, and more.

Releasing Smart Vaults

After the DAO has completed the initial release of the sEURO with the initial bonding curve offering described earlier, it will then proceed to distribute the ‘Smart Vaults’. Anyone will be able to lock up ETH and WBTC initially, with additional types of collateral to follow in the near future.

After that, users can mint up to 85 percent of that value in fresh sEURO, with sUSD, sINR, sRUB, sGBP, and sAUD to follow shortly thereafter.

Now that you’ve witnessed the incredible potential of beginning with our IBCO launch today, what are you waiting for? Visit this link to join the IBCO to instantly reap the benefits and help change money!

Join now!

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-- DeFi protocol DeFi protocol

A next-generation Defi lending platform that enables anyone to lock up hard and soft assets to generate a suite of fiat pegged stable coins.