The origin of the Rings


As you might have seen across our social media,’s Power rings are spreading throughout the land like wildfire. Elaborately constructed, the rings are imbued with a mysterious power not yet understood by the learned experts of science and technology, and their attractive force extends much further than simply catching the eye. They are each of such a unique quality that gemologists and appraisers are genuinely baffled by the lack of comparators. Their worth is unknowable, yet their allure is overwhelming.

A small group called Standardians, who have had their ancient prophecies passed down through countless generations, have recently come to light. They speak of a world not so different from ours, where a band of ring bearers will rise amongst the masses to adjust humanity’s course and avoid a momentous but unnamed disaster. These heroes are said to bear mysterious rings that served as the source of some magnificent power that becomes nodes in a type of decentralized network that helped create an alternative stable monetary system based on elements and rare numbers.

The prophecies were forbidden from being committed to the written word for hundreds of years, and as such, they have been passed from one generation to the next in stories. Sadly, we do not know how much the prophecy has strayed from its origins, but one thing is for sure, the rings are extremely beautiful and coveted by collectors and Standardians alike. People from around the world are collecting data points to piece these prophecies together in a more coherent fashion.

How can I get a Power Ring?

Recent reports indicate that these rings are most often seen ‘falling from the sky in’s Twitter Space and AMA sessions.

An anonymous source passed on a cryptic message that directed us to this site:

Get yours before they’re all gone!

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Comment on this Tweet with your Polygon Wallet and the ring number you want.

First come, first served, if the ring you chose is already claimed you are going to get a random one. If you don’t choose one, you also get a random one.

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