and GMX Partnership: Introducing GMX as a New Collateral Type

-- and GMX Partnership: Introducing GMX as a New Collateral Type is thrilled to unveil an exciting partnership with GMX. With this collaboration, the GMX token joins the ranks of assets supported by our cutting-edge smart vaults, ushering in new possibilities for token holders.

Empowering Financial Freedom

GMX token holders now have the opportunity to leverage our smart vaults by locking up their GMX holdings as collateral, enabling them to borrow against it at a 0% interest rate while minting EUROs. This revolutionary feature empowers users with unparalleled flexibility and financial freedom, eliminating the burden of excessive borrowing costs. Additionally, borrowers can capitalize on their newly minted EUROs by engaging in our liquidity pool (LP) on Ramses Exchange or participating in our own Liquidation Pools, thereby maximizing their returns and generating additional income.

Diverse Asset Collateral Options

At, we pride ourselves on offering a diverse range of asset collateral types in a single vault, including WBTC, ETH, ARB, LINK, PAXG, and now GMX. This extensive selection enables users to seamlessly trade between different collateral options even if they have borrowed against them, tailoring their portfolios to align with their unique risk appetites and investment strategies.


GMX facilitates the trading of perpetual cryptocurrency futures with leverage of up to 50X on leading cryptocurrencies such as BTC and ETH. Moreover, GMX serves a dual purpose as both a utility and governance token, entitling holders to a significant portion of fees generated by V1 and V2 markets. This robust economic model incentivizes active participation within the GMX ecosystem, ensuring its sustainable growth and development over time.

GMX’s Impressive Liquidity

At present, GMX boasts substantial trading volume on Arbitrum, amounting to approximately $543 million, with a total trading volume reaching approximately $192 billion. This impressive liquidity not only broadens’s access to larger volumes and a wider user base within the ecosystem but also expands the utility of the GMX token by introducing additional use cases.

Continuing Innovation

As part of our commitment to innovation, we are excited to announce that GM tokens will be listed in the coming weeks, so stay tuned for further updates.

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