Partners with for Liquidity Pool Stability


We’re thrilled to announce our partnership with Peanut, a leading provider of services that cover Token Generation Event (TGE) Strategy and Fair MEV Market Making. Redefining DeFi Lending

Offering 0% interest loans on Arbitrum, allows you to lock up major ERC20s like WBTC, LINK, ARB WETH and PAXG and then borrow a stablecoin without paying any interest, as long as you maintain a minimum collateral ratio of 110%. You can use your borrowed funds to leverage your positions, diversify your portfolio, or access liquidity. is powered by its native token, TST, which is used for governance, rewards, and staking. By staking TST, you can earn passive income from the protocol fees, you can also vote on important decisions that affect the protocol, such as adding new tokens, adjusting parameters or upgrading features.

Peanut: cutting-edge Market Making services across CEXs & DEXs

Peanut’s journey began amid the rapid growth of DeFi in 2020. Specializing in MEV (Maximal Extractable Value) solutions, Peanut has emerged as a leader in enhancing DEX token launches.Today Peanut offers A-Z TGE Management and MEV Market Making solutions. With a staggering trading volume exceeding $2 billion from over 500,000 trades, Peanut’s innovative algorithms have become integral to web3 businesses navigating the complexities of the DeFi landscape.

Together, and Peanut embark on a journey to amplify the potential of decentralized stablecoins, CDP’s and DeFi trading. By integrating Peanut’s cutting-edge trading algorithms, we aim to enhance liquidity pool stability and optimize trading operations within our protocol.

If you want to learn more about Peanut or, visit their websites at and You can also join their social media channels and get involved in their communities. Stay tuned for updates and join us on this transformative DeFi adventure!


-- DeFi protocol DeFi protocol

A next-generation Defi lending platform that enables anyone to lock up hard and soft assets to generate a suite of fiat pegged stable coins.