28 Free SEO Tools for Entrepreneurs and Startups (2019)

Abhik Shome
The Starting Idea
Published in
3 min readDec 27, 2018

Is there a better time to reach your target audience than at the exact time when they are actively searching for topics or product in your niche?

Think about it. You are 1000% more likely to convert a person who is actively looking for a solution you provide compared to a person who is not interested in it at all.

That’s why SEO is so important. When your content is optimized for search engines, you will rank on the first page of Google, Bing, etc., for keywords that your target audience is searching for.

But content optimization does not come for cheap. Tools like Ahrefs can be very expensive for the startup founder, freelancer or solopreneur to afford.

But fret not.

Me and my team have brought together a collection of 28 free SEO tools that will take care of every search engine optimization need to make your content rank on the 1st page of every search engine on the globe.

The free SEO tools include everything from on-page optimization software to off-page optimization tools.

Here you go.

Free Off-Page SEO Tools

1. SEMrush

Use SEMrush to discover organic and paid keywords, do backlink analysis, and more.

2. Google Analytics

Google analytics provides you details about who are the visitors of your site and how your users are behaving on your site.

Know their demography, their country, the device they are visiting from, their visiting time and the articles that are getting the most hits. Use this data to create better search engine optimized content.

3. Google Search Console

Understand how Google sees your site and get email alerts to fix issues.

4. Neil Patel’s SEO Analyzer

A free tool which gives you detailed downloadable report on how your site fairs in terms of SEO.

5. Ubersuggest

Use Neil Patel’s tool to find related keywords, do detailed backlink analysis and more.

6. Screaming Frog SEO Spider Tool

Use Screaming Frog to find SEO related issues in your site like HTTP header errors, javascript rendering, bloated HTML, and more.

7. Moz Link Explorer

Backlinks are critical for SEO. Get detailed backlink analysis of any of your competitors with this free tool. Use the data to create better content and then approach these sites linking to your competitor to now link to you.

8. OpenLinkProfiler

A tool similar to link explorer. Analyze the backlink data of any site for free in a matter of seconds.

9. Browseo

Use this tool to determine the site’s page structure and its relevance for specific search words.

10. Moz Local SEO

Check your local listings on Google, Bing and other local search engines.

11. Nibbler

Score your website for accessibility, SEO and technology.

12. Copyscape

Search for copies of your page on the web.

13. SSL For Free

Get a free SSL certificate with this tool and make your site more trustworthy.

14. LeanDomainSearch

Get a domain name for your business which has keywords of your industry. Use this tool to find the best combination of available domains.

15. Portent

Get great blog titles, heavy with your keywords with this tool.

16. Headline Generator

Same use as the tool above.

Free Keyword Research Tools

1. Google Ads Keyword Planner

Plan your keyword strategy with this free tool from Google.

2. WordStream Free Keyword Tool

Larry Kim and Wordstream are both big brand names. So when a keyword research tool comes from the Wordstream house, you know its going to be good. They have recently improved their product even more and completely revamped it. A great tool to have in your SEO arsenal.

3. KWFinder

Another free keyword research tool you can use to double down and verify the data of other tools.

4. KeywordTool

Use this tool to generate long-tail keywords for your next content piece.

5. Google Correlate

This tool pulls search patterns which correspond with real-world trending topics and data.

6. LSIGraph

Use this tool to get most profitable LSI keywords that Google loves.

Originally published at https://thestartingidea.com on December 27, 2018.



Abhik Shome
The Starting Idea

Founder — The Starting Idea | Contributor — Inc. & BI | Author — Skyrocket Growth: 230+ Free Tools to Grow Your Biz | Get it free here — https://bit.ly/2SLJfgi