How to Grow Your Brand on Social Media for Generating Leads and Customers

Abhik Shome
The Starting Idea
Published in
4 min readMar 22, 2019

How many of you reading this are posting regularly on social media?

Social Media right now is the hottest free source out there for growing a brand & generating leads/customers for your business.

Having said that, a lot of people are clueless about how to leverage it in a way so that you can get max ROI for your brand and business.

Here’s the key mindset to take note of when posting on social media:

Post on social media in a way that makes you behave like a human and is focused on providing value first and encourage real conversations through it.

In other words, act like a real person on social media. Act like a human being and not a robot who pushes a bunch of links out.

Post a variety of content that is focused on providing value and encourages others to have conversations with your brand.

My team and I have figured out a system of strategies and tools to get a lot of social media growth in a short time.

Here they are:

1. Deep dive in research

Research the best performing social media posts of your industry leaders/competitors in terms of blog links and images. Also for safe measure, see the weakest performing posts, so you know what kind of posts to navigate from.

Tools you can use for researching your industry leader’s/competitor’s social media profiles:

  1. Fanpage Karma
  2. Social Insider

2. Post a variety of content

Create an assortment mixture of content pieces in the form of value bomb videos, inspirational videos, inspirational quotes, viral interactive posts, blog pieces, etc.

There are many ways to find viral content, but one easy way is to perform a Google search ‘viral inspirational posts’ and then choose the Images tab.

Here is a list of certain terms you can search for:

  1. Viral Engagement Posts
  2. Viral Inspiration Posts
  3. Viral Tweets
  4. Viral Quote Posts
  5. Viral Interactive Posts
  6. Viral Instagram Posts

and so on.

3. Post at least 8–10 times on social media every day

A lot of people who miss out on your posts in the day will see you appear on their newsfeed at night.

Do not leave out a single time schedule/time zone of your target audience.

Always be visible for having an omnipresence effect on their lives.

4. Use recycling post feature

Create a minimum of 40 posts that is an eclectic mix of interactive posts, quotes, blog pieces, videos, CTAs etc., and then schedule them with recycled posts feature.

This constant and spanned visibility of same content through time will cause a mere-exposure effect.

What is the mere exposure effect, you ask?

Well, have you noticed certain songs you find distasteful and ugly in the beginning slowly start to grow on you to the point you eventually start liking them?

That’s mere exposure effect where we develop favorable feelings to things when we are constantly exposed to them.

Use this to your advantage by putting your best foot forward and constantly showing it off in front of your target audience in strategic bursts.

Note — Remember to schedule them in such a way that no post is repeated twice in a very short time.

Tools you can use for post recycling:

  1. Socialbee
  2. Meet Edgar
  3. Amplifr

5. Use contrasting colors & patter interrupt images

Colors and images matter in terms of conversion.

Use a color contrasting to the platform on which you are posting. Since most major networks (FB, LinkedIn, Twitter) are some shade of blue, try posting colors that are in contrast to the various shades of blue, but not overdo it.

Mix and match it with pattern interrupt images.

Tools to design social media posts:

  1. Stencil
  2. Canva

Websites to find pattern interrupt images:

  1. Pixabay
  2. Deposit Photos

6. Follow Jab Jab Jab Right Hook Approach of Gary Vee

Post valuable helpful pieces of content that engages, informs and entertains your audiences (called value posts) and mix it with the occasional sprinkling of an ASK post (where you ask them to commit to a Call-To-Action, i.e, sign up for your lead magnet, join your newsletter, buy your product, etc.).

The order of this can be VVVVA (V=Value post, A=Ask post).

7. Follow and add the people who are following other influencers in your industry

Tools to use:

  1. Socialbee for following competitor’s followers.
  2. Leonard for Linkedin for adding people connected with your competitor’s LinkedIn profile.

8. Create a messenger bot

Double down by creating a messenger bot which delivers blog pieces and lead magnets to your audiences.

Tools to use:

  1. ManyChat
  2. Chatfuel
  3. ActiveChat

Originally published at on March 22, 2019.



Abhik Shome
The Starting Idea

Founder — The Starting Idea | Contributor — Inc. & BI | Author — Skyrocket Growth: 230+ Free Tools to Grow Your Biz | Get it free here —