Using Facebook Ads to Double My Podcast Downloads

Why you should be running ads on your Youtube channel

Coffee With Craft


Coffee With Craft

For the past two years, I have hosted a podcast called Coffee With Craft, its all about having an intentional conversation like you would with a friend over coffee. During the first few months of the quarantine, I have been putting in the hard work to get the podcast ready for the relaunch. With the relaunch, I wanted to make sure that my podcast got as many eyes on it as possible and so I decided to go ahead and run a Facebook ad for my podcast for the first time.

I’ve always been a little skeptical of Facebook ads and using them to grow my platform. There is a large part of me that feels like its cheating in some way. That I am neglecting the hard work and grit it takes to build your personal brand and to grow your influence. However after several conversations with others and a couple of Gary Vee videos later I went ahead and ran a twenty-dollar Facebook ad.

The results were insane.

The results

Before the ad had run on Facebook my podcast got around 30–40 listens per episode in the first week of its life. Normally I see this gradually go up as people who don’t listen on launch day or find it…

