Preparing for a productive creative season in 2024: All the tools and practices that will ensure you smash your writing goals this year.

The Stripes Magazine
Published in
4 min readJan 16, 2024
Photo by on Unsplash

Every year, we write our goals down and some people get more specific and do a vision board. As poets, we truly hope this is the year we break into more platforms and reach more readers. Sometimes, we are hoping for scholarships, awards and notable wins. There is nothing wrong with dreaming big for your art.

Today, we want to explore the tools and practices that would ensure we reach our goals and more this 2024.


1. Word Processing Software

This is a no brainer but we put it in just to be sure. You need tools like Microsoft Word, Google Docs, or specialized writing software like Scrivener for drafting and editing your work.

2. Editing Software

Editing software will help you improve your writing by offering grammar and style suggestions. Software like Grammarly or ProWritingAid can be integrated into writing software, browsers or used separately.

3. Research Tools

There is no great art without research. And, it is research that will fuel the uniqueness of your art too. For efficient research, tools like Zotero or EndNote can help you organize references and citations. You can also check websites like Wikipedia to verify dates and names.

4. Note-Taking Apps/Audio Recorders

These are important to capture quick thoughts, flashes of ideas and inspiration. You can use it anywhere for organizing ideas, notes, and research materials. You can consider apps like Evernote, Writerplus, OneNote or Otter.

5. Writing Prompts Apps

For creative inspiration, use writing prompts apps like Writing Challenge or Prompts to overcome writer’s block. Many writers also practice free writing and journaling to get their creative juices flowing again.

6. Cloud Storage Services

If you have ever experienced system malfunction or the mysterious document loss on your word processor then this point will seem like a no brainer. Store your work securely and access it from anywhere using cloud services like Google Drive, Dropbox, or OneDrive.

7. Social Media Platforms

Social media is the easiest way to connect with readers, other writers and creative. Utilize platforms like Twitter, Instagram, Reddit, or Medium to share your work, connect with readers, and engage with the writing community.

8. Ebook Readers

Show me a writer who is not an obsessive reader. To stay updated on industry trends and read other authors’ works you will need readers. These are available on app stores.


  1. Write out your Writing Goals

Write these goals down first, then reflect on them. Are you seeking exposure, building a publication history, or aiming for specific literary recognition? This will help you make informed choices about your writing career. It will also help you tailor your submissions to platforms well aligned to these goals.

2. Read Extensively

Get familiar with the literary magazines you are interested in. Understand their style, themes, and the type of poetry they typically publish. Read their Submission Guidelines too. Carefully read the magazine’s submission guidelines. Ensure your work meets their formatting requirements, word count limits, and any specific instructions they provide. Do not try to get fancy, read every rule.

3. Research

Every Magazine or publisher has built reputation and a track record. Do extensive research on these. Magazines with a track record of publishing quality work may offer better exposure for your writing. Consider the magazine’s target audience. Will your work appeal to their readers? Follow them on social media and get a clear picture of what their readers want.

4. Check their Submission terms/Fees/Rights and Payment

Check if the magazine is currently open for submissions. Some magazines have specific submission periods, and submitting during these times increases your chances of being considered. Read through the fine print to see what is accepted. Get clear on your view on submission fees. You can read this article by xx or this one by xx to get more information.

You must also note the rights the magazine requests upon acceptance. Consider whether their terms align with your publishing goals. Additionally, check if they offer payment or contributor copies.

5. Submit Polished Work

Always ensure your poems are well-crafted, polished, and adhere to the submission guidelines of the magazines. Revise and edit your work thoroughly. Check your cover letter too and if your work is correctly attached.

6. Network

Find other poets that boost your creativity as well as you boost theirs. Find time for physical hangouts too. You can check twitter for beautiful spaces. Writing does not have to be a lonely path. #AfricanPoets2024 is trending right now, check it out. #writingcommunity may be as old as twitter itself.

7. Develop your ability to wait/Accept feedback

For every submission there is a wait time before decisions are made. You would have to practice the art of waiting. You must also learn to accept feedback and criticism when it comes, looking beyond personal ego and knowledge.

8. Enjoy your creativity

Keep it fun. Keep it light. Never let it become all about strict goals and the pursuit of what you define a writing career as. Allow your art to refresh your soul. Enjoy your creativity. Write playful, joyful poems. Write nonsense and turn it into music. Collaborate if you wish. Do twitter rants and calls. Read your work on social media and when you do tag us @thestripesmag

Now, Go have an exciting 2024!

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The Stripes Magazine

Literary Magazine designed to showcase creatives at every level of their literary career.