The Suite: How it works

Artificial Chilligence
The Suite
Published in
3 min readAug 4, 2020

Explore AI-powered technology to keep your virtual team productive like never before.

Our changing reality

While digital development keeps accelerating, a vast majority of collaboration tools still can’t grapple with our changing environment. Now, most of the day we communicate through video chats and messengers, and it’s become clear that this way of work is here to stay.

Given the reality we currently live and work in, with the extent of coronavirus and multicultural issues, everyone needs to understand the real productivity rates of remote cooperation.

Making video meetings more productive

When we don’t (or can’t) communicate in real life, building trusting relationships becomes a challenging task. Imagine running a cross-functional team, allocating tasks, and committing to deadlines while not really knowing people’s true motivations or engagement levels.

Paradoxically, the use of intelligent AI algorithms can help us make our online interactions not only productive but also more human.

Revolution in human video communications

The Suite is deploying an AI-powered collaboration whiteboard with video-chatting functionality to get insights on group communication and take note of specific features of the context. The amount of efficiency indicators available during the video call is fascinating, yet prior to now, it was only visible to professional coaches. Today, emotion recognition and physiological signal sensing algorithms can track the team’s interactions without any interruptions or time-consuming surveys.

So how does it work?

The Suite was designed and built on simple principles of user-friendliness and common sense (to bring actual value). Here they are:

Principle 1. Onboarding is super easy.

Users sync their current tools (like G Suite) and contacts with The Suite in one click. They spend zero time setting up and can onboard new remote members in a snap.

Principle 2. The team works together seamlessly in a single space.

Users plan & schedule video calls, collaborate in documents in real-time while seeing each other, and can automatically distribute meeting minutes to keep everyone in the loop.

Principle 3. Productivity & engagement tracking happens in the background without disturbing the team.

The Suite’s AI-technology tracks visual communication indicators, using 10+ neural networks trained on 1000+ hours of real meeting videos. After every meeting, the team gets a report with its productivity, engagement, emotional comfort, and stress levels, previously visible only to professional coaches.

Principle 5. The virtual team becomes a vibrant human community.

By gaining insights into their true moods and the quality of group interaction, users can learn to interact more efficiently, improve the team’s productivity, and provide each other with useful feedback.

Principle 4. No sharing of personal data. All data is anonymized and strongly encrypted data.

The Suite didn’t introduce face identification and voice recognition on purpose. The reports are generalized so the users can see how they perform together as a group.

Make sense of your video calls

If you too think that all this sounds fascinating, reach out to become one of the first early adopters of the Suite. Join the waitlist and get extended free trial period, once we launch.

