Blockchain meets esports: over 1 Million Theta tokens earned on in 30 days

Theta Labs
Theta Network
Published in
2 min readFeb 20, 2018

More than 1,000,000 Theta Tokens have been earned by viewers and more than 250,000 have been donated to streamers in first 30 days

The Theta team is proud to announce the first-ever integration of blockchain technology with an esports streaming video platform. is the leading esports entertainment platform and offers interactive, highly engaging streamers of top esports titles including CS:GO and PUBG. There are more than one million registered users on, and unique site visits have increased from 860,000 in August 2017 to more than 4 million worldwide in January 2018, nearly a 5x increase in just 5 months!

Nearly a million users have now earned Theta Tokens on, which they can use to donate to their favorite streamers. While the team was confident in Theta Token’s design, the real test was releasing them into a live streaming video ecosystem and observing their adoption firsthand. The results were remarkable: since Theta Tokens were launched on on December 15, more than 1,000,000 Theta Tokens have been earned by 980,000 viewers and more than 250,000 Theta Tokens have been donated to streamers. The number of donations is increasing every day, and there are more than 75,000 unique users donating Theta Tokens on a frequent basis. With each donation, viewers send special messages which are called out by the streamer in their live stream, and seen by an audience of thousands of concurrent viewers in real-time. During this testing phase, influencers can redeem Theta Tokens at market value for cash or for other various rewards. Top streamers are earning thousands of dollars per month, with some quickly approaching 5-figure monthly payouts!

We’re excited to see the community adopt Theta Token so quickly and this is just the beginning! Coming soon, users can also use Theta Tokens to buy premium virtual goods and services on for their favorite games. Additionally, advertisers and brand sponsors will be able to fund ad campaigns with Theta Tokens and support key content creators. With these use cases proven by Theta Tokens on, Theta Labs plans to integrate Theta Tokens with other partner streaming sites and build adoption throughout the streaming video industry.

Coming up later in 2018, Theta’s native blockchain and protocol aims to provide higher quality streaming by increasing global reach in developing countries, lowering publisher costs for content delivery, and helping content creators capture more of their advertising revenue. Users who share their bandwidth and resources to re-broadcast video streams will be rewarded by mining Theta Tokens.



Theta Labs
Theta Network

Creators of the Theta Network and EdgeCloud AI — see for more info!