The beginning of the revolution: unlocking the power of Theta Tokens through and its Twitch partnership

Theta Labs
Theta Network
Published in
3 min readApr 24, 2018

As if our news of’s Tilted Trivia now being available to all Twitch streamers through a Twitch extension wasn’t enough, there’s much more to the story.

In the coming months, everyone who wins Tilted Trivia on Twitch — or even participates — will be able to claim Theta Tokens through the site. We will be offering up to 1.1 million Theta Tokens each month, a total current value of roughly $150,000.

So you get real value from winning and simply playing fun esports trivia while you interact with your favorite streamers on Twitch.

That’s not even the best part.

Because Theta Tokens are a cryptocurrency and not just a type of in-game point, they will provide more flexibility and far-reaching value. Viewers will be able to use Theta Tokens to reward streamers, purchase virtual goods, real life products and in the future they can be redeemed for anything: from paying your monthly Netflix subscription to disabling ads on Twitch to renting that 4k quality new movie release.

Now we’re talking. But that’s still not the best part.

Very soon, users — and users of other streaming sites — will be able to earn Theta Token rewards by sharing their bandwidth to broadcast video streams. It’s as simple as watching your favorite streamer or video content on your computer browser or from your mobile app. As a result, people around you can enjoy the same content you love — from Youtube type of content to premium streaming video to even VR — at higher quality.

That may not sound like a big deal in the United States, where video delivery is relatively stable, but in emerging markets like Brazil that can make the difference between cheering on the Seleção in the World Cup or watching a bunch of blurry pixels.

We’re doing this by harnessing the power of a native blockchain protocol purpose-built for video.

What does this mean? When more people share bandwidth in the Theta video mesh network, they contribute to significant cost savings for video distribution. As those savings pile up — and this is a $10+ billion dollar market, so the savings will be massive — they are passed on to content creators, streamers, platforms and end users through Theta Tokens. What the Theta blockchain promises is the open, transparent and on-chain recording of how these dollars will be automatically re-distributed among all the parties — it’s a win-win for everyone. Content creators and streamers from big down to the small earn more money. Platforms like YouTube and Twitch make more money, the Netflix and HBO’s acquire and retain more subscribers. End users get better user experience without ads, and get free premium services and products.

By being a part of the amazing Twitch community through, not only are you enriching yourself, but making a real, concrete change in rewarding people for their entertaining work — and saving literally everyone money in the process. You ARE the hero we have been looking for. (And yes, you’ve definitely earned rewards for that!)

It’s an important step in an exciting journey, and we’re thrilled for you to be part of it.

Click here to find out more about how the internet is changing and how you can be a part of it.



Theta Labs
Theta Network

Creators of the Theta Network and EdgeCloud AI — see for more info!