The critical role of Theta Network and TFUEL in

Theta Labs
Theta Network
Published in
4 min readJun 20, 2019

In our last blog, the TFUEL Use Case, we discussed how the TFUEL token works to reward users, reduce CDN costs, and create a more engaged userbase for video platforms. Now let’s dive in to how that works in practice for TFUEL for the esports platform. — The first Theta-powered platform is invaluable to the Theta project, as the first implementation of the Theta protocol, the sandbox for further refinements, and the case study for how Theta can improve video platforms. In short, SLIVER is how we prove to the world that Theta really works!

Since mainnet launch in March, our strategy has been to slowly convert the existing SLIVER channels to run on the Theta Network, allowing users to relay the stream to other users nearby and earn TFUEL. From our very first featured Theta streamer, Dubpace, we’ve expanded to more than 20 streamers and often you’ll see up to 5 Theta channels running concurrently, with each pool of users relaying the stream to each other over the Theta Network.

The amount of traffic (measured in MB) relayed between peers on the Theta Network has continued to grow, which has been from 100% organic traffic. As we enter the next phase of growth this month and start focusing on marketing and user acquisition, we expect significant growth in Theta-powered traffic.

Despite the increased usage, we are still seeing great improvements in offload %, which is the amount of video traffic that is carried by Theta versus existing content delivery networks (CDNs) for a given day on The average offload has reached 50%, with offload under ideal conditions reaching 80% in some sessions. Our development team continues to make great strides in optimizing our mesh streaming network, with the goal of achieving a network-wide average of 80% offload. This is critical because it translates into direct cost savings to our CDN bill, just like it will for any other platform using the Theta Network.

TFUEL as the ultimate engagement mechanism

Of course if the network relays video more efficiently, that also means more TFUEL earned by each user, which of course leads to more user engagement! More than any other stat, we might be most proud of how long the session times are on Theta streams where users can earn TFUEL, far exceeding session times of Twitch or even the channels not using the Theta protocol.

This is the undeniable proof that the Theta model works, and that crypto token incentives can change user experiences. Theta-powered channels blow any other kind out of the water when it comes to the all-important metric of how long users will spend watching the channel. This is how video platforms can create engaged, recurring, and loyal userbases.

TFUEL improves streamer monetization

Much of that TFUEL is donated back to content creators/streamers, which let’s them earn at higher rates per user than competing platforms, and encourages them to switch to Theta-powered platforms. Donations are trending up, with significant amounts donated on high-profile streaming days like esports tournaments, our NASA space shuttle launches, or other live events.

TFUEL leads to other monetization opportunities for streamers on as well. In addition to donations, featured streamers also sell their own branded merchandise in the store, which users can purchase with TFUEL. Top streamers on SLIVER like Dubpace and Skacle have seen a huge jump in monetization and a 10x increase in viewers by switching to

Of course, you don’t have to give ALL your TFUEL to streamers. Feel free to go ahead and buy some in-game TFUEL skins for Splitgate and show your support for the project!


This constant cycle of development and improvement on is critical as we prepare our first partners to join the mainnet, like Samsung VR, CJ Hello, and MBN. By learning what works on, we can adapt the model to fit different content and monetization strategies, whether it’s short-form movies sold à la carte on Samsung VR, advertising-based news channels on MBN, or premium content on the CJ Viewing set-top TV boxes. Before each mainnet partner launch, we’ll do a deep dive blog on how their business models work and are strengthened by TFUEL and the Theta Network.



Theta Labs
Theta Network

Creators of the Theta Network and EdgeCloud AI — see for more info!