Theta Labs announces Prof. Shoucheng Zhang, Chairman of Danhua Capital, to join the Theta Blockchain Advisory Council

Theta Labs
Theta Network
Published in
2 min readApr 18, 2018

Theta Labs is proud to announce the addition of Professor Shoucheng Zhang to our Blockchain Advisory Council. Prof. Zhang is the Founding Chairman of Danhua Capital (DHVC), as well as the J. G. Jackson and C. J. Wood Professor in Physics at Stanford University.

To the world outside of blockchain and cryptocurrencies, Prof. Zhang is more likely to be recognized for his outstanding achievements in the physics field; he is a fellow of the American Physical Society and American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and in 2014 was cited by Thomson Reuters as a top candidate for the Nobel Prize in Physics. But in the tech world, Prof. Zhang is known for his leadership of Danhua Capital, a leading Silicon Valley VC firm that focuses on early stage investments in Blockchain, Fintech, AI and Networking. In addition to investing in both and Theta Token, Danhua Capital has made early investments in Dfinity, Symbiont, Brave, Kyber Network, Orchid Lab, Chia Network, DAGLab, and other blockchain projects.

“DHVC originally invested in for their experienced leadership team and cutting-edge technology in 360° and VR live streaming. Now as the team launches the Theta Network to complement and build on their work at, we’re excited to work with Mitch and the entire team to disrupt the entire global video and CDN industry.”

— Prof. Shoucheng Zhang

Some may also know Prof. Zhang for his keynote speech at the Blockchain Connect Conference in San Francisco in January. His speech entitled “In Math We Trust” was a fitting capstone to a day exploring different blockchain use cases, as he explained how crypto data marketplaces can be incentivized to counteract the biases of society.

From his position as a leading investor in a variety of tech sectors, Prof. Zhang has been a great help to the Theta team in navigating the fast-moving crypto space. We look forward to working with Prof. Zhang as the Theta blockchain moves from development to implementation with our strategic partners.

Welcome to the Blockchain Advisory Council, Prof. Zhang!

The Theta Team



Theta Labs
Theta Network

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