Theta Testnet Phase I — Recap and a Thank You to the top bandwidth contributors

Theta Labs
Theta Network
Published in
2 min readSep 6, 2018

Phase I of the Theta testnet is complete, and was a huge success! 500k+ users from over 150 countries around the world have contributed their bandwidth, with dozens of users logging in all 48 days during the testnet period. The Theta blockchain itself is working as designed, and our focus from now to mainnet launch is increasing transaction throughput, improvements to the consensus engine, and finalizing the token economics of the protocol (more on this to come in upcoming blogs!).

Phase II of the testnet channel is now underway with an updated user interface and enhancements to streaming optimization. But first, we wanted to say thank you to all the users who logged in to try out the testnet channel on, and have supported the Theta project in many other ways. In addition to the prizes and Theta tokens we’ve given out on the testnet channel (which will continue in Phase II), we wanted to give a special thanks to the dedicated users who spent the most time on the testnet channel with these prizes:

Top 50 contributors — Theta t-shirt

Top 25 contributors — The above prize + 100 Theta tokens

Top 10 contributors — The above prizes + Theta zip-up hoodie

Top 5 contributors — The above prizes + 1,000 Theta tokens

(The winners are listed at the end of this post by user ID, and we’ll reach out separately via email in the coming days).

We know there are a ton of other people who contributed, and we appreciate you all as well! Unfortunately, with so many people on the testnet it limits what we can reward to each individual, but we look forward to mainnet launch on the native Theta blockchain where every user will be rewarded according to how much they contribute to the Theta network and community. Stay tuned in the next few months for our continued progress toward mainnet launch, the release of the complete token economics of the Theta protocol, and coming soon, the first public releases of new video platforms adopting the Theta Network!


The Theta Team

List of Winners (in order, listed by user ID):

1. ABakedPotato
2. aabbbaa
3. cashvegas
4. fernandonj
5. bdewijs
6. vicos
7. AT10gbits
8. lgl8839
9. danaug23
10. JVDA
11. KongHong77
12. HonestAbeX1
13. Nellnyc
14. neo888
15. jvjaskowiak
16. alanaoldham
17. monkygobanana
18. ganjavagen
19. ClamGaming
20. Loosh
21. Symphony13
22. OnlyNubReportMe
23. schoof
24. Myrik
25. Kingerqb
26. Warizer
27. Soulglory
29. pr0bot
30. 89pintail
32. Jcarr676
33. fabiofox28
34. GraVT98
35. IRONMAN989
36. mgarzia
37. ultimatehub
38. RtwoDtwo
39. jbatangan
40. OddyAte
41. minnionboy
42. Sixtyone
43. BaRt13Neo
44. thetababy
45. SpacePh
46. R4zZvy1
47. odaday
48. Noobiesly
49. illquid
50. lattatude



Theta Labs
Theta Network

Creators of the Theta Network and EdgeCloud AI — see for more info!