Theta Wallet Chrome extension now available in Chrome Web Store

Theta Labs
Theta Network
Published in
2 min readDec 18, 2020

The latest Theta Wallet is out now — a brand new Chrome extension with all the features of the Theta Wallet you use on mobile or the web! Combining the ease of use of Metamask and the functionality of Theta Wallet, this new extension gives the best experience yet for desktop Theta users.

The Theta Wallet Extension allows you to manage your accounts right in your browser. You can have multiple accounts, send THETA/TFUEL, stake to guardian nodes, manage your TNT-20 tokens and more! This is the most connected Theta Wallet because it allows developers to securely integrate Theta into their DApps. You don’t have to leak any phrases or private keys. All of the transactions are securely signed once you approve them.

Download the extension here:

Developer guide:

If you’ve used the Theta Wallet before, you should find the user experience very similar — use the Send and Receive functions to send THETA or TFUEL (or new TNT-20 tokens built on Theta with the new smart contract functionality!).

You can also manage your Guardian Node stakes through the Theta Wallet extension, staking and unstaking your THETA or monitoring your existing tokens staked from the wallet.

Theta Wallet extension allows you to create a new Theta wallet, or import an existing one via private key or keystore file. It also allows you to manage multiple Theta wallet addresses from the extension.

Download the Theta Wallet Chrome extension here or in the Chrome Web Store!


Theta team



Theta Labs
Theta Network

Creators of the Theta Network and EdgeCloud AI — see for more info!