Theta wallet released for Android OS + Apple iOS with support for Mainnet token swap

Theta Labs
Theta Network
Published in
3 min readFeb 13, 2019

We’re excited to announce the first version of the Theta wallet has been released with support for the Android OS. The Theta wallet is available now in the Google Play Store for any Android-enabled device (download link here).

Update 2/20/19: The Apple iOS version has now been released as well! Download here.

The Theta wallet can securely store the following assets:

  1. Theta Tokens on the upcoming Theta Mainnet
  2. Theta Fuel, the operational tokens of the Theta blockchain
  3. Ethereum and ERC20 Theta Tokens

Because the Theta wallet can support both the existing ERC20 Theta Token as well as all tokens on the Theta Mainnet, it’s the ideal program to handle the upcoming mainnet token swap and Theta Fuel distribution. You do not need to hold in ETH in the Theta wallet to facilitate the swap. The procedure to swap your existing tokens is simple:

  1. Download the Theta wallet
  2. Follow the in-app instructions to set up your wallet and record your mnemonic phrase
  3. Transfer your ERC20 Theta Tokens to the Theta wallet (make sure to send a small test transaction first!)

On March 15th, after the genesis block of the Theta blockchain is produced, you’ll see all of your ERC20 tokens converted to Theta Mainnet tokens. Additionally, you’ll see that your address contains 5 Theta Fuel for each Theta Token you hold. Your address, token balances, and any transactions will be verifiable in real-time on the Theta Mainnet block explorer.

We are working with the exchanges that currently list Theta as well as major hardware wallets like Ledger/Trezor to support the Theta Mainnet and token swap, including Theta and Theta Fuel tokens. However, those integrations are not totally within our control, and we can’t guarantee they will be ready in time for the mainnet swap. To prepare for the swap, we recommend that all users withdraw Theta Tokens from exchanges and other wallets into the Theta wallet by March 10th to be safe. If you have not transferred your tokens to the Theta wallet before the mainnet launch happens, we can’t guarantee an immediate swap to the new Theta blockchain. Understandably, our team will be focused on making sure the first days of the Theta blockchain are running smoothly, and it may be some time before we have the resources to address individual cases of manually restoring Theta Tokens to the new blockchain.

We understand security is a top priority for the wallet, which is why we’ve initially chosen to restrict versions of the Theta wallet to Android and iOS. Since these are well-defined operating systems with predictable execution environments, we can better prevent edge cases that could expose the wallet to malicious actors.

When you first initiate the Theta wallet, you’ll be asked to set up a mnemonic phrase to secure your wallet. This will also serve as the key to restore your Theta wallet in case you lose your device, or need to move your Theta wallet to a new device. This feature allows you to effectively keep your Theta Tokens in cold storage. After storing your tokens in the Theta wallet, and making 100% sure you have safely recorded your mnemonic phrase, you are not required to keep the Theta wallet installed. As long as you maintain access to that mnemonic phrase, you can at any time re-install the wallet on any supported device and your tokens will be safely held at the same Theta address you previously stored them at. Of course, that’s not always convenient to install the wallet each time you want to move tokens. But if security is paramount, it is a secure way to store your tokens offline until we are able to integrate Ledger/Trezor hardware wallet support for the Theta blockchain.

We’re excited to take another step toward the Theta Mainnet launch on March 15th! If you have any questions or concerns about the wallet or otherwise, please join us in our Telegram channel here:


The Theta team



Theta Labs
Theta Network

Creators of the Theta Network and EdgeCloud AI — see for more info!