Zhen Xiao, Professor of Computer Science at Peking University to join Theta Advisory Board

Theta Labs
Theta Network
Published in
2 min readFeb 23, 2022

We are pleased to announce that Zhen Xiao, Professor of Computer Science at the prestigious Peking University in Beijing, is joining Theta’s advisory board.

Prof. Xiao’s research interests include distributed systems, cloud computing, big data, and machine learning. He has published more than 50 research papers, mostly in top-tier conferences and journals, such as USENIX ATC, SOCC, AAAI, TPDS, TC, and TOCS. Prior to joining Peking University, Prof. Xiao worked as a researcher for AT&T Lab and received the Research Excellence Award. Prof. Xiao received his Ph.D. in Computer Science from Cornell University, following undergraduate studies also in CS at Peking University.

Notably, Prof. Xiao conducted research in areas that can directly benefit the Theta Network, including p2p streaming for IPTV, p2p storage, and blockchain optimization. His research team’s most recent work includes Dino, a communication layer optimization technique for blockchain throughput improvement. The paper has been accepted by IEEE Infocom in 2022. The technique is one candidate to potentially be applied to the Theta blockchain to achieve higher transaction throughput.

“I am excited to advise the Theta team on ways to further increase the performance and efficiency of Theta blockchain. Theta’s innovations span numerous fields in video streaming, p2p storage, and blockchain node communications — all areas I have focused on in my research and am excited to drive forward with our collaboration.”

Prof. Xiao lecturing on zero-knowledge proofs at Peking University

Peking University (aka Beijing University) is a renowned research university with world-class faculty who conduct outstanding teaching and cutting-edge research. It has a strong computer science program, which is ranked top 10 in the world by US News and World Reports along with Stanford, MIT, and UC Berkeley, and is one of the top Universities with blockchain research programs by CoinDesk.

Welcome to the Theta advisory board Prof. Xiao!



Theta Labs
Theta Network

Creators of the Theta Network and EdgeCloud AI — see www.ThetaLabs.org for more info!