Theta One Year-in-review — 2019

Tamal Sen
Theta One Software
Published in
3 min readDec 31, 2019
Photo by Zach Miles on Unsplash

Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway.~ Earl Nightingale

Another wonderful year has passed.

It will be cliché if I talk about just the passage of time, but this is the time of year when we celebrate (Theta One’s foundation day is also in December), reflect and make resolutions. Indeed, we fail to fulfil (most of the) resolutions we make in the beginning but in our subconscious we, somehow, register that we should be doing these. And I believe these thoughts passively influence our actions throughout the year.

2019 was a roller coaster ride for Theta One. Loads of ups & downs, hitting dead ends and finding new ways. But as a team we always stayed together and every obstacles made us only stronger.

A Few Achievements

  1. BSMM— We developed an AI to identify garbage, dirty drains (referred to as Black Spots ) from images. The AI was deployed for Govt. of Andhra Pradesh in their Black Spot Monitoring And Management System. It saved about 80% of human efforts for identifying whether a place is clean or not.
  2. Smartsol integrated in Nagaraseva (formerly Puraseva ) app by Govt. of AP. Smartsol is an AI based complaint routing engine which can route complaints written in free text to its intended destination.
  3. Helped Department of Municipal Administration in developing & maintaining their ERP as their in-house team. The ERP serves about 110 municipalities of Andhra Pradesh and it has about 22 services including Property tax payment, Water charges management, trade licence application etc.
  4. We created a street food ordering platform called OrderApp. We started doing a pilot in Sec V area of Kolkata, WB. People are liking the platform a lot since they are now able to order from local street food vendors. The food is fresh, pocket friendly and tasty such as Maggi, Bread-omelette, Rolls, Sweets etc. We are seeing about 3X growth month-by-month in the platform.
Garbages have been detected in image.

Plans for the coming year

  1. Own office space with lot of sunlight and positivity
  2. A few bright new faces to become a 15–20 member team.
  3. A team for AI-based products & services
  4. Make OrderApp present in a few cities
  5. Introducing Esop
  6. Invest in branding & marketing for service business

It’s been a 4-year long journey and we are still unsure where the road is leading to. Financially, we have grown only 70% as compared to the previous year which is, indeed, not very impressive. But at the same time, we tried new ways as we always do and had a lot of fun along the journey. Every-time we faced difficult days; it was proven that a pinch of positive attitude can lead to find ways to sail through.

That’s all for now, wishing all of you a grand and happy new year. Stay happy and make others happy as you always do :)

Reach out to us at in case you have comments, feedbacks & suggestions.

