How To Choose A Tattoo Artist And Tattoo Shop In Las Vegas

Deepak Gupta
Published in
3 min readJun 1, 2021

When you decide to get a tattoo it is always a good idea to follow a precise procedure before choosing the tattoo artist and the art tattoo studio where the session will take place.

Even though today’s tattoo artists must follow a training course and set up a studio in Las Vegas in accordance with the law in order to practice their profession, there are still people who are not very serious and it is important to know how to recognize them in order to avoid unpleasant situations.

In this guide, we see how to choose artists and tattoo shops Las Vegas to avoid problems and possible disappointments, and get the best tattoo possible.

The importance of choosing a tattoo artist and tattoo shop

Undergoing an art tattoo session is like undergoing minor surgery.

The creation of a tattoo involves the insertion of ink between the layers of the epidermis through the use of a series of needles with which the tattoo artist’s machine is equipped.

This procedure obviously involves a series of precautions that the tattoo artist must follow in order to avoid various problems, including more or less serious infections.

Especially if you are at your first experience with tattoos do not underestimate anything, nor take for granted that a tattoo artist, just because he is a tattoo artist and the owner of a tattoo shop, must be professional and guarantee reliability.

Let’s see, therefore, how to proceed to make sure you get a new tattoo without taking unnecessary risks.

First of all, you need to look for a serious and reliable tattoo artist, who will be able to answer all your questions and give you all the necessary information about the session and its possible implications.

Evaluate tattoo shop hygiene

The most important aspect to evaluate in order to avoid bad surprises, during and especially after the session, is the level of hygiene of tattoo shops Las Vegas.

But also of the equipment used for tattooing, as well as the professional behavior of the tattoo artist.

Tattooing With Disposable Gloves

Tattoo artists must always wear disposable gloves during the entire session.

This is standard hygienic practice and absolutely compulsory in order to avoid the transmission of dangerous bacteria; wearing gloves protects both you and the artist and a serious tattoo artist would never run any risk.

If you notice that the tattoo artist does not wear gloves during your session it is very likely that he does not do so out of habit and it is therefore absolutely inadvisable to proceed.

The tattoo artist sterilizes his equipment

All the tattoo artist’s equipment must be thoroughly sterilized.

A common misconception is to think that boiling them is enough to remove bacteria and viruses; in fact, the use of an autoclave is essential.

Tattoos Only With Sealed Disposable Needles

Tattoo needles must be disposable, sealed, and opened only at the time they are used; therefore they should only be opened in front of your eyes at the time the session begins.

Tattoo Ink in New Disposable Bottles

As with the needles, the ink bottles must also be disposable and opened in front of you before the start of the session.

The standards

The studio itself must also have the right features to be up to standard.

It will not be difficult to observe the general condition of the studio and the level of hygiene in the room where the session will take place.

If you notice that the environment is not clean, nor adequately ventilated and lit, in all probability the studio does not comply with the law and consequently, the seriousness of the tattoo artist will be compromised.



Deepak Gupta

Deepak Gupta is blogger, entrepreneur, marketer, and owner for several stunning technology blogs.