First Telos solution for agri-food industry

Traceability of the PDO Sidra de Asturias on Telos Blockchain

The Teloscope
5 min readOct 28, 2019


We are pleased to announce Telos’ first solution that allows organisations to collate all information relating to the production process of agri-food goods, in a single decentralised, secure repository with rules, user rights and collaborative practices.

The solution developed by The Teloscope ensures supply chain integrity and goods protection from counterfeit and over-production. By combining existing physical authentication methods with track and trace backed by the Telos public blockchain network, multiple businesses share in a single trust instrument records of data, events and manufacturing processes.

Their aim is to raise consumer confidence in the authenticity and provenance of the goods they produce and, moreover, increase the customer willingness to pay for higher quality in those products.

Beverage industry is the first market that we are targeting. We approached some key players in our region to show them a preview of the system and soon the first deal was signed.

The cider industry, the most popular beverage in our region, Asturias, is the first that has embraced this Telos-based solution, with two of the most important cider companies on board and leading the adoption.

The Natural Cider

Asturias, officially Principality of Asturias, is the fourth largest European producer of cider, after England, Ireland and France, and the first cider-producing region in Spain, accounting for 80% of national production. Cider apple orchards are common to find in the region.

The cider industry is ranked third in importance by turnover in the Asturian food industry after milk and meat. The production area of cider protected by the Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) coincides with the totality of Asturias.

Product names registered as PDO are those that have the strongest links to the place in which they are made. Use of the approved logos enables producers to inform their consumers of the quality and authenticity of their products, allowing informed choice.

In the EU, product names registered as PDO must be dispatched with a numbered control label issued by the corresponding Regulatory Board.

Official seal issued by The Regulatory Board of PDO Sidra de Asturias. Every natural cider bottle must bear this control label in a visible place.

The Cider Makers

The Regulatory Board of PDO Sidra de Asturias is the official entity that cooperates with us in this project and signed up the first participant natural cider makers: Sidra Menéndez S.L. and Llagar Castañón S.L.

Sidra Menéndez is a 28 year old company. With a turnover of more than 4 million euros in 2018, it is the 5th largest cider maker in Spain. Llagar Castañón was founded in 1938 and is currently ranked 14th in the national cider industry and 9th in Asturias.

These two companies earned the highest ratings with their natural cider products in the most famed cider-related awards in Asturias: Natural Cider Festival in Nava and Apple Festival in Villaviciosa.

At the annual Apple Festival of Villaviciosa, Val d’Ornon natural cider made by Menéndez was crowned Asturias best for 2019.
At the annual Natural Cider Festival of Nava, Val de Boides natural cider made by Castañón was crowned Asturias best for 2019.

These companies are committed to using our Telos-based solution in their actual production facilities. Hence, they have already registered the first batches of their awarded products so that the media and the general public can test the application with real data.

The Software Application

SIDRADOP is the end-user program that enables consumers to check all the valuable information on the protected product and have greater certainty about its quality and origin.

This is a web application that anyone can access from their mobile or desktop browser

Under the supervision of the Regulatory Council, apple producers, cider makers, beverage distributors and cider sellers register their daily activity data on Telos Blockchain, so they share truthful and reliable information about the products covered by PDO Sidra de Asturias.

Small traditional cider makers usually collect the apples from nearby orchards. But in the case of bigger cider companies, apples can come from producers with orchards spread along different counties within our region. The application queries the Blockchain registry and show in an appealing way the exact origin of the apples, the name of their varieties and their mix ratio.

Every PDO natural cider maker uses traditional methods with the assistance of some modern equipment, following the strict controls developed by the Regulatory Council. The application reports about the complete process for the production of natural cider. From the collection of the apple, passing through pressing, bottling and finally the delivery to the consumer.

And for those more tech-savvy users with Blockchain knowledge, a link is provided to check the “raw” transactions that are being stored in the Telos blockchain registry.

This article has been produced by members of The Teloscope team. You can also check previous weekly reports from The Teloscope.

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